Pat's Adventures in Dialysis, the "I Went into the Basement for the 1st time in 2 Months to Add Songs to the iPod and iTunes did a 35 minute Update, Norton did an Update, as did MS-Windows and Adobe wanted to update also, but I had to Draw the Line Somewhere" edition. iPod shuffled to "For the Love of Money", O'Jays. That takes me back to a basement party the spring of my senior high school year. Did you know the O'Jays did not want to record this song? Lol It became their signature song.
Why no basement in 2 months? When one is weak, stairs are daunting, also, the basement was cold. I did venture down in early January to play World of Warcraft with my friends, but I've been AFK since then. I need to get back to saving Pandaria. But that's another story for another day, isn't it?
Wednesday morning I wake up to Ms Mattie's doctor waking her up. I'm hungry. That hadn't happened in a while, so I'm kinda sorta looking forward to breakfast. Well, and orderly comes in with his gurney and announces we're off to dialysis. ;( "Baby Come Back", Player. I have no trivia on the song or the group. I just like the song. :) I get on the gurney, we roll out the room, hang a right. And at the end of the long hall, we're at the dialysis area (in a few days I could have rolled down there with my walker...that was like driving to the neighbor who live 4 houses down - lol).
This was 1st time I had seen a full out dialysis center. The previous sessions, the machine came to me. About 10-12 beds with the machines next to them. Assorted techs doing assorted stuff. Some people are already hooked up. Some people look really ill, some are asleep. I get helped into the bed, the tech hooks me up and then brings me breakfast. Yay. Well I get a dry turkey sausage patty, 1 boiled egg and a choice of cold cereal. "Waters of March", Nicole Henry. I used to have the radio on at work, and the local station would introduce me to new artists and songs. This was me of them. I ate the egg. I got cold during dialysis and wondered why everyone else could sleep except me? For the record, even now I can't sleep during dialysis. Oh well. Midway thru, my nephrologist's partner came in to check on me. He apparently knew he was the twin of my primary care physician. Lol. He looked at my data and nicely let me know that my kidneys were not going to get any better. /sadface. Yeah, it's sinking in, this is real and this is going to be my life.
While still in dialysis, my RN brings in a young women. Apparently because I have such a cheery nature, I get to have my very own nursing student to trail me all day. I just became a real live body for the student to practice on. When we got back to the room, she vital-ed me like crazy. Lol. Then 2 more of classmates came in and here we go again. "Superwoman", Stevie Wonder. Was there anything on Musiquarium that you didn't like? Stevie was quite prolific. Well the hospital was a teaching hospital and I really didn't have a problem with the students. The RN had my number. :). During any given day, I'd have at least 10 interns or residents coming thru and a gaggle of students trailing the doctors. The medical people I always enjoyed were my very own intern, Dr Kim, out of MSU, and my primary care physician.
I forgot to mention that Chuck, the Physical Therapist did come to visit me. He had me walking (with the walker) out the room and a little ways down the hall. He wasn't trying to hear me say I'm tired. Lol. Taskmaster. He left instructions that I was to do this at least twice a day. He stopped by and I wasn't on his list. I really appreciated that.
The days were much better than when I first arrived at the hospital. Friday I was 2 hours from dying. Wednesday, I smiling, eating, being sociable, and getting calls and visits from friends. Signing off with "Something in My Heart", Miche'le. Her speaking voice sounds like Mickey Mouse, yet her singing voice is fairly deep. She was a protege of Dr Dre and Eazy E. lol you'd never know unless you saw the videos.