Marvin Gaye, "You Sure Like to Ball". Out of the corner of my eye, I see Teletubbies on the TV. Im not really trying to see it. I'm glad Shawn was past them. Although we did have a little Barney. We had a lot of Sesame Street tapes and a lot of Thomas the Tank Engine tapes. Thomas tapes narrated by Ringo Starr. George Carlin came later. ;-). I got distracted by the nurse. She listened to my lungs, heart and fistula. And felt my ankles. They also check our feet once a month. That's primarily for the diabetics. But we all get checked. There are a few people on my shift that are amputees. Ok. Consider this the lost paragraph.
Wild Cherry, "Play That Funky Musuc". Vegas is celebrating Halloween all over. Heh. The TV station is featuring a haunted asylum and fear hotel near my dialysis center. It was put up in September with help wanted signs. I guess they got their help! Lol. I'm passing on that, but as a young adult we went to haunted houses. I took Shawn to a haunted maze and barn while visiting a cider mill. Word to the wise. Even if they tone down the fear, some 6-7 year old kids won't like haunted barns, houses, choose your facility. Let's just say the staff had to turn on the lights and escort us out. That's right up there with a few questionable things I did raising my child. *sigh*. I don't think I was too bad a parent.
John Legend, "Heaven". Nevada has early voting. It lasts 2 weeks and tomorrow is the last day. Oh..there's a ladybug nurse here! Not only is there early voting, there are over 80 locations where you can vote. We went to the mall. The process is all automated. The clerk scanned my voter registration card and my information came up on her laptop. She asked my date of birth, then printed a little form with my information and asked me to verify the information. Finally she inserted a key card in a machine, then handed it to me. Hmm. I'm looking at the tech with makeup and a wig. She's some kind of mad scientist or doctor. Lol. How appropriate in this blood sucking place!!!
Cameo, "I Just Want to Be". Armed with the key card I head into the voting area. A lady tells us to go to any open machine. There were 2 ladies behind the bank of voting machines to help us. We insert the key card in the machine. It was a touch screen machine!! How easy is that? We came from the land of scantron voting. We just moved into 21st century voting!!! Heh. 13 page ballot, but that's because I guess nevada can never have too many judges. And I think I told you one of the propositions was to add another court. Anyway in and out, got our stickers. The downside was being in a mall. Somehow I made it to Macy's which was having a sale! Bought some Christmas gifts. Don't hate. Lol.
The Spinners, "I'll Be Around". I think one of the guy techs is a fireman. Even if he's wearing his protective clothing over the costume. :-) He's also the tech that just brought me a packet of emergency information. It has my dialysis info, like flow, volume and drugs I get during treatment. It also had a red wristband. I've wanted a red wristband. It's for my left arm. It's to indicate to emergency personnel to not stuck an IV in my left arm or use my left arm to take my blood pressure. That could blow my fistula, my lifeline. My fistula keeps me alive. I let Brian know if anything happens to me to watch the left arm. I still think ill get a jewelry type bracelet. Like a Medic Alert bracelet.
Signing out with The Natural Four, "Can This Be Real?" The high temps have been the 80s during the day. Running in the low 60s when I go to treatment. This weekend the high temps are only going to be in the 60s. Brrr. ;-) Have a fun Halloween. And a great weekend. Time to start thinking about Thanksgiving dinner!!! Photo of me in my "costume".