Good Thursday morning. It's early and it's dark. Summer is long gone and were knocking on winter's door. And that's fine. Especially since I'm out here!!! So what is special about November 2, 2012? That was the day I was transported to the hospital via EMS because I couldn't breathe....pulmonary edema. Because my kidneys weren't working..couldn't flush out fluids, the fluids accumulated in my lungs. And let me tell you..that's a horrible feeling.
November 2 is the day I found out my kidneys failed. I was sick in the months prior to this. And I was seeing doctors for separate symptoms. By the time my primary physician sent me for testing it was way past time. As a matter fact, I was supposed to go for tests on November 2. Instead I ended up in the emergency room. Tests were taken in the ER. I was told my kidneys had failed and I'd have to start emergency dialysis immediately. I was relieved to know why I felt so bad and that this dialysis, which I knew nothing about, was going to make me feel better.
I was in the hospital for 8 days. Admitted on a Friday and I left the following Friday. I was in ICU for 3 days. And I admit I don't remember the first day and the 2nd day is fuzzy. I didn't come out of the fog until I had several dialysis treatments. I realized that I had an emergency catheter inserted in my attach me to the dialysis machine.
I was in the hospital on Election Day. I was surprised and pleased when an election official visited the patients to make sure they voted. I'd already voted by absentee ballot because I was sure I wouldn't be able to stand in the lines on Election Day.
I also want to acknowledge my nurses. Yes. I saw plenty of doctors, but it was the nurses who took care of me and answered my questions. My ICU nurses were with my almost 24/7. My nurses on the regular floor checked on me,,lifted me off the toilet..yes I was that weak. Lol I wanted the urine catheter out and got it out. I could walk to the bathroom, but I couldn't get up off the toilet. I had to use the alarm to call someone...the toilets are too low. I've ranted about that before! There was the nurse who woke me up in the middle of the night to make me practice walking with a walker. I bitched and moaned, but she got me talking about my favorite subject...Shawn. And before I knew it I had walked up and down the long ass hospital hall. Lol. The nurses in the dialysis unit. The ER nurses need a medal. Wow!
I met my nephrologist for the first time after several days. He asked who got me to the hospital. I told him my husband. And yes Brian was in the room at the time. The doctor told me I should thank him. If he'd waited any longer I'd have been dead within 2 hours. That's kind of sobering. And yes, of course I thanked Brian!! I think we were both taken aback. My regular doctor came to visit me everyday. Yes we have that kind of relationship. He'd been my doctor since I was in my early 20s. He diagnosed my acute intermittent porphyria. I made him famous for that. Lol. Yeah. Another story for another day.
Well. It's been four years. It's been a hell of ride and it's not over. I've adjusted. I'm living my life. I have good days and bad days. Much more good than bad..but damn. The bad days are horrible. Ugh. I've adjusted. And I have my family support. Brian, of course. I'm overwhelmed by his love and caring and attentiveness. Many days I tell him he doesn't deserve this. He replies that I don't deserve it either. And then my dad. My 90 year old dad. He's checking in on me and loving on me and Brian. And then there's my daughter. Who keeps on trying to give me one of her kidneys. I clearly get that she doesn't want to lose her mom. And I'm doing all I can to make sure I'm here for a long time. They all keep me going.
I want you to know that there is no average dialysis patient. The are many reasons for kidney failure. Some people are born with one of many different conditions that affect the kidneys. Lupus and diabetes also cause kidney failure. I've mentioned that the number of diabetics at the dialysis centers was surprising. And health care professionals are always surprised I don't have diabetes. Hmmph. Kidney failure can also be caused by certain drugs and even drinking to much soda. ..or pop. Depending on where you live. My kidney failure was caused by my genetic blood disorder..acute intermittent porphyria. And there have been others in my family who have it or have had it...right along with the kidney failure. Ain't I'm special. Heh. Oh yeah. Check your meds to make sure that side effects don't include kidney damage or kidney failure.
Anyway. That's it for today if you want to read about the early days of my journey, the early blog entries detail it quite nicely. My memories were much clearer then. Lol. All things considered, I'm doing fine. We're thinking about going to Hawaii for our 30th anniversary. And I can make it work with sufficient planning. We're going to visit relatives in California soon. Planning on visiting Shawn in the spring. Because I'm that kind of mom! And I'd like to visit Michigan in the future. I think we can swing that also.
I want to thank my friends for the words of encouragement when I leap into the rabbit hole. Your love and concern pull me out. And I'm ready for the next day. Please. Please get your kidneys checked every year. Sometimes the failure can be preventable or even managed. I don't wish this on anyone. And on that note, I'm going to enjoy this beautiful sunrise outside of my window. Have a wonderful day!!
My family. I need to take a photo which includes Dad. Shawn can figure that out!