Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The "I Like My Dialysis Center Better Than Yours", edition.

iPod shuffled to The Detroit Emeralds, "Feel the Need".  Detroit Emeralds....from Arkansas. Lol. Anyway, I was a big fan in Jr High.  Does anyone remember the group, The Posse, around 1969?  And it's not really my iPod..I let the batteries run out.  However, thanks to the cloud, the iPad stands in just fine.

So we're in Champaign, Illinois. Yes, the university is (long breath), The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Also known as UIUC. It is a Big Ten University, and a Land Grant University, like Michigan State University. The two cities are adjacent, with Champaign being the largest, population about 82,000.  Urbana, population about 42k. UIUC student population, 32k. It even has a suburb, Savoy.  Lol.  Still, there's a lot of corn. And thanks to some friends, I now know we were seeing field corn. We were on the right track, being pretty sure we were looking at corporate farms which supplied corn for processed foods, but sweet corn?  Illinois feeds America...I guess. 

Our job was to move Shawn in and furnish an apartment.  It would have cost about $4,000.00 to use a transport company to move her furniture. *sigh*. And none of us wanted to drive a U-Haul 385 miles.  :-(   Michel'le, "Something in My Heart".  After disappearing, she's now on R&B Divas LA. I've meant to watch the show, but I just can't make myself. Lol   The original plan was to do Ikea, but delivery was from the Chicago area, every other Wednesday (This underscores UIUC being in the middle cornfields), at an additional cost AND we'd have to assemble everything. Time for plan B. Target and Walmart for the win!!!  The bed and mattress came from a local store. We ordered the bed and mattress on wasn't until Sunday!!  Heh, Back to School took on an entirely different meaning in Champaign Urbana.  Lol. The stores were welcoming the UIUC students.  Lots of students getting furniture and necessities were seen every time we hit up the stores (and a gaggle of farmers..but that's a story for another day {wink}). 

I dialyzed Wednesday and Friday at the Illini Dialysis Center. Ok. My center has 42 chairs, this one had 11.  As always, they were waiting for me.  Everything went fine. They even called me to come in early on Friday. See, I dialyzed Monday at home.  We left on Tuesday because dialysis days are hit and miss on how I feel, plus the keys to the apartment were available on Tuesday.  Dialyzing in Urbana was a nonevent. Wednesday, Shawn and Brian unloaded the cars and scoped out Target while I was in center.  After treatment we went and started the shopping.  We purchased a desk, bookcase, drawer microwave cart and a futon.  I suggested they start with the futon. Mommy needed a place to sit and manage. ;-)  And yeah, Daddy got Shawn a tool kit before we left town. Ask me how well Shawn uses tools (of course I even have a story for that-lol).  Let the assembly begin!!!

Signing off with "Grapevyne", Brownstone.  Yes I have hundreds of songs, I have no idea why some repeat more than others, but I'm not complaining when it's songs that I like. :)

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