Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The "We Got the Dog 12 Years Ago on September 10", edition.

iPod shuffled to "Always And Forever", Heatwave. When was the last time you heard the long version? It's over six minutes. This is one of those songs that you sing in the car by yourself. You know, in case you miss a note or three.  Lol.  And I know...Heatwave..gonna be over 90 degrees again today. The iPod has mind of its own. 

On 9-10-2001, I left work from downtown, picked up Shawn from school in the cultural center and headed to Howell, Michigan. Brian was working midnight shift, so he was at home. We'd  seen the puppies on Sunday, selected the one we wanted. Monday I was to return with the payment. I should have a little bit of forethought before we picked her having a crate. :-/  I think Shawn held her on the way home. 55 miles.  I don't remember. We got home. I dropped Shawn and puppy off at home and went to the pet store. I bought a crate, puppy food and some toys. We pulled out the baby gates. Raising a new puppy just started. 

Brian left for work, we put puppy in the crate , took her upstairs and went to bed. Well we tried. Puppy howled....non-stop. I took her downstairs. We could still hear her. I took her to the basement to the room furthest from my bedroom. Shawn wasn't happy.  She wanted instant love. I wanted sleep. Lol. 

We woke the morning, started our new routine. It kinda worked out with Brian and I on different shifts. We put puppy in the crate, I took Shawn to school and I went to work. I arrived around 7:30 AM. The early crew was already there, hard at work. I had been there about an hour?  I walked out of my office.  One of my programmers was reading the CNN website. He says, "Look at this.  An airplane flew into a building in New York". Eric Benet, "When You Think Of Me". Roy Ayers is making that xylophone sing. :-).  We're looking at the photo. He thinks its a small plane. I didn't think a plane was even allowed in that airspace. I went to run my errand when I came back, the employee confirmed a plane did fly into one of the towers. A large plane. We headed to the conference room, to catch the news. Other people started streaming in. So yeah, we're watching it as the second plane came in. 

We eventually get people to back to their desks, but the day was shot. And wasn't even 10 AM.  By now everyone is on edge. Parents want to go and get there kids. My office faced the Detroit River.  I had my radio on.  I looked out the window. I saw a plane coming from Canada do a U-Turn. :-(  Brian calls me. He should have been asleep. He says DPD called him.  The mobilization plan was in effect.  He needed to report back to work. I told him what happened and to turn on the TV.  

Downtown basically emptied out. The building was officially closed. I called the school. They said parents could come and get their kids if they wanted. I went my car parked in the underground garage. Let me tell ya.  With everyone trying to get out, we were sitting ducks. :-(  After out 20 minutes, I got out and went to pick up Shawn. We went to the grocery, because, we'll we didn't know where this was going. Bobby Womack, "Looking For a Love". Who doesn't like Bobby? :-) 

We head home. The priority is the new puppy. So there you go. The date of when we got her is imprinted on us. 12 years later, she is clearly not a puppy.  She's stiff when she wakes up. She can't jump upon the chair any more. It looks like she doesn't sniff as well.  She still barks, but not as much.  Oddly when I was at my sickest, she got pretty sick also. She's doing better and so am I. :-)  I let her know we're on this together. I know she understands and you won't convince me of anything different. ;-)  

Singing off with Isaac Hayes, "Joy". "You're my joy, you're everything to me-e-e-e-e".  Enjoy the heat wave!  

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