Mary J. Blige, "All That I Can Say". After Election Day comes Veterans Day. Another paid holiday. And my mom's birthday. If Veterans Day fell on Tuesday, it wasn't unusual for people to take off that Monday. Of course the Monday before Election Day was fair game also. 2 consecutive 4 day weekends!! Then here comes my wedding anniversary on November 21. Followed by Thanksgiving!! December 12 is the kid's birthday, December 17 is my birthday. Here comes Christmas Eve, which is also the date of my parent's anniversary. Then Christmas, New Years Eve, New Years Day. And whew!!! That's the holiday season. Insert more birthdays of my nieces and nephews and we're into the 2nd week of January!!! My mother in law had parties from August through January for the kids, kids spouses and all of the 9 grandchildren. Lol.
Common, "I Want You". Anyway. For me, the season starts November 11. My mother's birthday. She would have been 90 this year. I miss her very much. I hate that she was confined to a bed and dementia stole her last year of life. She didn't deserve that. But she lived a wonderful life up until that time. She believed in giving and giving back. And she made sure I got that message. :) I miss her. A lot. But I smile when I think of her. I know she loved me. A lot. So even though she's not here, November 11 will always be the start of the holidays. A joyous and wonderful season. :)
On another note with a questionable tie in to cell phone died. Imagine it clutching it's keyboard and gasping for breath and going out cursing me with its last breath! Ugh. Yelling lady is here. I've got the volume cranked up to just about as loud as you can with over the ear headphones and I can still hear her. :( And she's on the other side of the room. She's not really cognizant of much, except she's doesn't want to be here. I think I'll write about quality of life soon.
Heart, "Crazy on You". So back to the cell phone. It died. And it wouldn't take a charge. Gah. I have to turn the volume down. I'll go deaf. I have a no win situation here. ;-( The cell phone IS my lifeline. Lol. I had to tamp down my panic. Fortunately the Sprint store is nearby. Long story short, I killed my phone by charging it too long..over time. I admit I was told not to charge overnight. But it was so convenient. *Sigh*. Lesson learned. I got a new phone. Sprint said it was time to get a new phone anyway. I know have a jumbo Galaxy 5. The phones get bigger and bigger. With more useless junk preloaded. :-/ (But I got a new phone!!! Whee!! Feeling giddy!!! New toy!!!!). Ahem. Dialysis angle?? I could have miss that call for a new kidney. I don't know when the phone died. It was working at 8AM at 1PM it was blank. Got new phone up and running around 4PM. Yikes!!! Anyway. Not charging over night. I learned that lesson!
Signing off with The Dramatics, "Ocean of Thoughts and Dreams". Celebrate your veterans tommorrow. Give them a thank you, a hug and a kiss. They are proud of their service to their country and rightfully so. Have a wonderful day!!
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