At this point it's a matter of time. It took time for me to degenerate to this point and it'll take time for me to crawl out of this hole. I slept better last night that I had in a while, so that's a hopeful sign. We'll see where this goes. As it stands now, though, I'm still pretty much confined to not only the condo, but getting out of bed is proving to be a challenge. But it's unseasonably warm here right now and who wants to be outside where it's 104 degrees anyway? Am I right? Lol.
Enjoy your weekend. And as much as I really like it out here I do miss the fall in Michigan. A trip to Blakes or the Big Red apple farm was always a treat. And if you couldn't make it there, you could always go to Franklin Cider Mill. Drink a glass of cider for me!
God bless you Patrice. Keep on keeping on. You can't stop now. I'm praying for you!
ReplyDeleteSaw Mike today at Meijer. He talked about his visit with you. Before I forget... thank you for the HBCU info. I've passed it on to some grateful people. I truly miss you and hope to connect with you soon.
You know what's interesting? Reading your blog for the past fewweeks in reverse chronological order. I already know what's happening before you mention it :) Weird, but really interesting.
(Hope I'm not sending this twice).
Blessings to you, Brian and family. Ann-Marie.