But now! I'm getting out and moving. First of all I got treated to the incredible pollen out here. I've never had allergies and didn't experience it last year. But this year? Whoo. Brian, Dad and I all were snortin', snottin', sneezin' and coughin'. Now we're just down to snortin'. The desert air dries your sinuses out...if you know what I mean. ;-) A humidifier is in our future.
So what have we seen out here? More exotic cars up close than I've ever seen. Maseratis, Lamborghinis and Teslas are a common sight. As a matter of fact, we saw a parking lot in Primm that had about 30 stations for plugging up the electric cars. Saw a $100k Mercedes yesterday. It's not unusual to see casino owned Bentleys and Rolls Royces tooling around town...not just back and forth to the airport. Yesterday we saw an black SUV with red rims and accents. It stopped our conversation. Lol. We also saw a blinged out car...yes with crystals or rhinestones. And the car itself was the business vehicle for blinged out car business! Lol. Blinged out like the red taillights were red rhinestones. And of course I've seen the requisite hydraulic car. The guy bounced when we were at the stop light.
Yesterday after brunch at PF Changs...Dad likes PF Changs, Brian and I went to a local artist art fair at the Suncoast. It was in the grand ballroom and it was just big enough. We registered using tablets. Got tickets to an Easter Seals event next week. I tasted a sweet picked jalapeño. It was good. And tasty. And hot. I debated buying a jar as I thought about its uses while cooking, but I passed. I may get done another time. And anyway, the vendor is local. We did get some peach jam.
I purchased some jewelry and some habernero mustard. No it wasn't crazy hot. But the vendor had quite the impressive inventory of hot sauces. Yes he had ghost pepper hot sauce. And sauce that was even hotter than that. No we didn't taste it. My head was still hot from the pickled jalapeño! Lol. Brian got some odorless Shea butter and a deerskin wallet. The vendor, Mystic Dragon, also had eelskin and other exotic hides for wallets, knife cases and cases for your taser(!).
We had a great time and most importantly, I didn't get winded or tired or hurt while walking around. Even up to a few weeks ago I would not have entertained doing this because it would have worn me out and I'd hurt afterwards. Now make no mistake, I rested when I got back home, but I got out there. And no, im not strong. Stop saying that. I'm trying to survive.
Last week I alluded to issues with Pauline. She returned home from the rehab center, then they sent her back to the rehab center, then sent her back home with a nurse. She's in hospice st home. The breathing issue is not going to get better. But I think hospice is an inaccurate term. Dad and Brian went to see her yesterday. She had enough visitors to start a party! And was having a good time. I'll get up there today.
Finally, Dad's 90th birthday is April 9. I think he'd be tickled if he received some birthday cards. Give me a holler if you want the address. Have a great Monday!!
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