I enjoyed spending the holidays with my seniors. And I will miss the time spent with them. But I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I got to know them. And as much as Brian and I enjoyed spending time with them, they enjoyed each other's company even more. And the stories they told! Walking and talking living history! Time is precious and the time we spent with my seniors and the time they spent with each other was time well spent.
We spend time with Dad. We do our Saturday morning run to the casino. One hour a week is more than enough time. We do Sunday brunch every Sunday. We alternate who selects the location. Dad likes PF Changs....and Brazilian steakhouses! We eat dinner together almost every night. Brian and Dad watch track and field. We'll watch Family Feud with Dad. I'll wander into his room and talk about whatever. I like spending time with my daddy. I also like spending time with Brian. I like spending time with Shawn. We're going to visit her in a few weeks and I can hardly wait. But then when we're there time will move way too fast. :-(
My point is enjoy and cherish each moment. Right now I'm sitting in my recliner with needles in my arm. Not one of my favorite things to do. But. I am just chilling. Watching the news. Writing this blog. Watching Brian doing whatever he's doing. Thinking about the picnic I'm going to today. How am I going to spend my time. My precious time.
Attack your days with a smile. And even if you think you're wasting time, you aren't. Your time is always precious! That's it for today. I think I'm nuts for trying to go to a picnic. It's going to be hot. Not yet triple digits. But still. Lol. Taking my own cooler of ice and a hat. I WILL enjoy myself!!!
On the dialysis front..nothing. Isn't that great? Well..my blood pressure is still crazy low even with the raise your blood pressure meds. The nurse has me taking them just before treatment. But a lot of meds are cleared out of the system because of treatment. You know. Because the blood is moving in and out of me during the process. When I was incenter, one if my partners had pain meds for a toothache. Within a half hour the med was cleared from his bloodstream. :-( He wasn't happy.
Well. That's it for today. Enjoy your day and enjoy the holiday!
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