So every year we get the lobsters and then figure out how to serve them. The first year we melted some butter and ate the lobsters. The next year we did lobster rolls. This year we bounced between lobster Mac and cheese and seafood chowder. Seafood chowder won out. Yes yes. I know. We're going to have clam chowder. But I'm going to make the seafood chowder. What's going in it? Bacon..gotta sautéd the veggies. So in addition to the lobster I'll be adding clams, shrimp and lump crab. No potatoes. I hate them as filler. I need seafood stock. Yes we could make it with the lobsters and we might. But i still need seafood stock. And I have to go to a suoermarket across town to get it. That's fine. The suoermarket, Glazer's, it the closet I have to Westborn out here. I can find honey butter there!!! And reasonably priced Gruyere cheese. But the cost savings tend get get offset by the distance. But this time, gotta go there. We'll prepare it on Sunday. And. There's some more shopping I need to do, but I'll fill you in on that next week.
So now you're wondering why I did my Rodney Dangerfield impression. You know that I do an hour of deep water fitness 3 days a week. And you know that Brian and I go to a trainer once a week. Although she's making us go and joining us at a Henderson rec center workout room for yet another hour every week. Taskmistess!!! So yes, I'm getting stronger and my stamina is improving. And my trainer keeps pushing and increasing the workout. The bonus is at the end she stretches us out. Anyway. She increased the weight of some of the things I use. Well. When I woke up Friday, my thighs hurt. Ouchie. I sent her a text and she laughed. ;-( Told me to go workout some more. I didn't get a chance to respond because it was time to go to the pool. I felt the pain while doing the deep water exercises. I mentioned it to the instructor. She laughed, said good and then increased the intensity of the workout. ;-( She worked the hell out of my core. So now my thighs and my stomach muscles hurt. I felt the love. Of course. {eye roll}
Yesterday I also had my monthly appointment with my kidney care team. My numbers are great. My nephrologist was almost giddy about that. Lol. I did get an iron injection, but I'm ok with that. It boosts my energy levels. I talked with the social worker about my advanced directive. Do you have one? I got my flu shot last month so that was fine. Oh yeah. My primary care physician's office called to let me know that they'd be giving shots next week. Told them I already had it. Not judging if you don't get a flu shot. Your choice. I need it because of the kidney disease. I'm susceptible to everything. Kidney patients so much so, that if you opt out of a shot, you are quarantined and have to wear a face mask during treatment in the centers. Face masks apply to nurses if the opt out.
Well that's it for today. I had treatment last night and I'll do it again tonight and will be off on Sunday. I live for off days! Lol. AC is still on. We turned it off, but then it got warm and stuffy inside, so it's back on. Time to get ready for the day. Enjoy your day!!!
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