Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The "Going to Costco is Always Such a Bad Idea", edition.

Pat's Adventures in Dialysis, "The Going to Costco is Always Such Bad Idea" edition. iPod shuffled to "Morris Brown (Featuring Scar and Sleepy Brown)", Outkast. This song is all kinds of good, as is the video. The Morris Brown College marching band is featured, I love Scar's voice. Janelle Monae is in the video. And finally it's Outlast, 'nuff said. We went to Costco to scout out what I'll need to get for the graduation open house. I'm satisfied that the bulk of what I need is there. Unfortunately, we just couldn't walk out there without buying something. Brian got a scale and I got an immersion blender .

"Request Line", Dynamic Three. "DJ, please, pick up your phone, I'm on the request line". Old school rap / hip hop. :) So I'm home from the hospital. I survive my first weekend. I'm alone for a while as Shawn and Brian have to go to work. Around noon I drag myself to the kitchen to try and make a sandwich. I have to use the walker and realize that the act of getting there, and then trying to navigate the kitchen and actually making a sandwich required more energy than I had ( huge sad face). I grab some carrots and stagger back to the bedroom and wait for my family to get home.

Monday we get ready for my first trip to dialysis. Brian and Shawn have to get their schedules adjusted to match mine. I'm feeling pretty bad about that :( They assure me it's no big deal. Brian and I leave to get to the 2:00 appointment. He drops me and the walker off at the door. I say I can make it. He parks the car and will meet me at the center. I walk into the building, ask the security guard where the dialysis center is, because it is not readily apparent. It's in the basement, make 2 lefts. Sigh..that's a long distance for me at this point. I mentally thank Chuck for forcing me to walk as much as he did. I wait forever for one of two elevators and eventually stagger into the center, tired as hell. (Ok it's not really that far, but at the time it felt like 25 miles).

I let the lady at the desk know I'm here and sit down. Brian comes in and sits with me. Because this is my first time, we have to do the insurance dance. After about 15 minutes, all,I want to do is lay down. I'm irritable and thirsty and wonder what's taking so long. Some nurse wanders over to me and proceeds to lecture me on whatever it was I did to get have my kidneys fail. Had I felt better I'd have told her to f-off. ;-( A social worker spotted me looking miserable and came to talk with me. She'd eventually be MY social worker. I eventually get called back to the dialysis area. It's bright with people in chairs hooked up to machines. See, in the hospital, people were in beds, I didn't expect the chairs. "Sexy Mama", The Moments. Whoa, I didn't know The Moments morphed into Ray, Goodman and Brown. I was verifying the date of the song and that tidbit was there. It came out in when I was I high school and it was pretty racy then.

I get weighed. I still didn't understand the significance of that. Then I get led to one of two private rooms. I ask the tech her name. I swore she said Madison. A few weeks later I would find out I was so very wrong lol lol lol. Anyway that's enough for today. Signing out with, "The Love We Had (Stays on my Mind )", The Dells. Fabulous voices and even better harmonies..great arrangement. Classic.

1 comment:

  1. The insurance dance! That is the perfect name for it. Every timr I go to a new doctor or specialist I dread that insurance dance as well. Keep up the good work. Stay strong.
