Pat's Adventures in Dialysis, the "Lions and Tigers and Wolverines, Oh My!", edition. Jason Hanson :( , where's a closer? , and Final Four in ATL. iPod shuffled to "Butterflies", Michael Jackson. I really like this song. I wish there were a video to go with it. The record company didn't want to do one :( Such a pretty song. Floetry wrote it and covers it also.
So the Friday I'm released from the hospital, Shawn picks me up. Brian has to work, but she has no classes scheduled and is off of work. Somehow I get up the 3 steps from the side door into the house and stagger to the bedroom. I am using the 1st floor bedroom. Stairs are much too daunting. I hadn't used the stairs for about a week prior to going to the hospital. The exception was the basement because I needed to do the scenario quest in Pandaria for the weapons. I made a commitment to Whitemara and Sirshiry. (Yes, only a very few will even know what the heck I'm even talking about here). Geez. The blood pressure cuff just choked the life out of my arm ;-( I digress.
I thought I felt better and I did, but damn, I was still very ill. "There Goes My Baby", Usher. This is one of those songs that I instantly liked. I was still very weak. Shawn commented that I looked frail. Roflmao. I have never been or looked frail my entire life. Heh. I had to do something about that. Frail, indeed ;-<
Well first things first. I just needed to be able to get around the house. I was still using the walker. I could make it to the bathroom without it, but any further, the walker was necessary. Brian made a pathway for me. I'd use what little energy I has to go to the front to eat...if I had the energy. I couldn't even stand too long without getting ridiculously tired.
My challenges at this point are what I can eat, something to pass the time besides TV , moving and getting to go dialysis. I needed some clothes. And a coat. Sigh. I need to be able to feed myself and take of myself while Shawn and Brian are at work and school. And now I am getting hungry. :-D Signing off with "A Real Mother For Ya", Johnny Guitar Watson. Funk baseline. You can see my pattern. A true child of the 70's. FUNK. Eric B made me a CD with Johnny Guitar Watson songs and said , "You know his songs all sound alike". I was forced to,agree, even if it broke my heart. Lol. Thanks Eric. ;-)
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