Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Monday, June 10, 2013

The "I Always Think of a Good Blog Title the Night Before and Forget It In the Morning", edition.

iPod shuffled to "Give Up The Funk", Parliament. How's that for a wake up song?  Lol "We want the fun, Get up off the funk". George Clinton forever!!!  Met up my elementary school folks again.  A few more were added to the mix. One is a Pastor, now in Orlando. We were invited to the church he was visiting.   I don't recall seeing him after junior high, maybe?  I kept thinking about young him and reconciling it with the man preaching in front of me. :-). What I didn't tell him was, when we growing up, he was quite supportive of me when I was getting bullied and essentially gave me the courage to fight back. I'd say that has served me well!  
Thank you Gabriel. :-)

So we get through Christmas. The dialysis center had holiday events for us. They also adjusted the schedule for the holiday, through New Years. Happy New Year!!! I start getting calls to come to earlier times. My scheduled time was 2:15. I've already mentioned that, that time basically made for an nonproductive day. The caveat is I was still pretty weak at this time, so it's not like I had a lot planned anyway. I was just complaining, I guess. Lol. I got called in for  the 10AM slot, which I liked.  Then the 6AM slot, which I liked even better. "I Decided, Part 1", Solange. Come on, you know who Solange is.  You already know how that ended. I've got my permanent 6:10 slot. Happy happy, joy joy!!  

Early January, Dad tells me Mom has been moved to hospice status. She will die soon. She is not expected to last more than six weeks. /Sigh. I am hyper-motivated to get to place where I can at least function better. I let my tech, social worker, nephrologist and vascular surgeon know I need to get to Vegas as soon as possible. I'm trying to recover from surgery. I'm still on a walker. I get tired easily. And dialysis beats the hell out of me three times a week. That being said, my team is working with me to make sure I get out to Las Vegas to see Mommy.  

The social workers start the travel process (arranging dialysis in Las Vegas). Vascular surgeon monitors fistula. The earliest I can go is 2nd week in February. I make the airline  reservations and work on getting stronger. I'm now in my new time slot, my tech is adjusting my treatment.  I am feeling better coming off dialysis.  Dad tells me Mom's caregivers are working hard to keep her up for me to get out there. This is coming together. 

Well no.  Mom died two weeks before I could get out there. 

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