Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The "I've Completed All of the Pre-transplant Tests" edition.

iPod shuffled to "Runaway Child, Running Wild". What I remember about this song is, in junior high, during lunch. Music would be played.  This song came on and the entire lunchroom sang. Lol. 200-300 kid chorus. Lol. (Please excuse the tortured sentence above).

I mentioned that prior to the NFK Zoo walk, I hadn't been to the zoo with my kid since she was little. I'd always loved going to the zoo. As a child, the public school sent us to the zoo every year through the  8th grade.  You know you're old school if you remember the chimp shows, or riding the train to Africa. The penguin house came later, but it was fun to watch the penguins race around their cold habitat. The reptile house was always creepy in a good way. I didn't care for the bird area, but enjoyed the interpretive garden which came in the 90's. What's an interpretive garden?  The butterfly habitat. :-)

So the story. We had a family outing to the zoo.  The kid had to be about 3-4. She didn't care for the reptile house. As we see animals we talk about them. We get to the rhinoceros and she says, "What's that between his legs?". Oh my. I look over to Brian, except he has managed to disappear. ;-(  Alrighty.   I say to the kid, "That's a tail".  The kid looks and says, "That's not a tail!", in that accusatory kid voice lol. So now mom has to come up with an answer reasonable for a 3 year old. "Think Pat, think". Yeah, because somehow Brian as vanished off the face of the earth.  I say , "Oh that.  That's where he pees from" .  Kid is ," Oh, OK".  Crises averted. Husband magically appears near the zebras.  To this day, I have no idea how he vanished in the side open space, and he's not telling - lol.  When we passed the rhino last week, I smiled and noticed he was more modest...20 years later. Lol. 

My last test was a gyn exam. I was amused being back in an ob-gyn office. Clearly geared toward pregnant women.  When I was asked the purpose of my visit, I replied I clearly wasn't pregnant. Maybe I should have said I thought I was lol lol.  Signing off with "Going in Circles", Friends of Distinction. Volume Wish I could sing along, but my sour notes  would disturb every one here. Lol. 

Oh. Trying for a photo of my dialysis chair.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the zoo. I havent been since my kids were young. I imagine a lot has changed. I'm happy that you're finished with your tests!
