Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The "I Saw 2 Rainbows Yesterday!", edition.

iPad shuffled to  Ray Charles, "What I Say, Parts 1 & 2".  Yes, I saw 2 rainbows yesterday evening.  Earlier in the afternoon I mentioned to Brian that I needed to look for rainbow. The conditions were just right.  I didn't see them until 7PM. We were out and about yesterday.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are productive days along with Saturday and Sunday.  Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are chancy. I may feel great...or not.  Like last Wednesday.  I made an appointment for a haircut.  By Wednesday after treatment I was not feeling up to it. :-(  I really need that haircut.  I've digressed.

Isaac Hayes, "Never Can Goodbye". The day started out with a manicure and a pedicure.  I'm sorta taken aback with how fast my nails are growing. :-(   Afterwards we went to visit my Wendell.  He'd been moved to another hospital.  He still has the breathing tube.  It's in his neck.  And he still has the feeding tube.  In spite of all of the hardware he looks better.  The problem is, he can't talk. He can move his lips, but the breathing isn't letting him speak. Brian and I tried to lip read. We probably have a 33 % success rate. *sigh*.  He can write, but he's still weak.  And his penmanship was suspect when was healthier. Lol. As frustrating as it was for us trying to understand what he was saying, I can only imagine his frustration trying to communicate.  Brian and I will have to practice lip reading.  We did catch he wants some real food. I asked what milestones he needs to reach to get the tubes out, but couldn't understand the response. Again, in spite of that, he was better.  Oh yeah, we had to wear the sterile coat, the gloves and a mask when we went into the room. He's in ICU attached to a lot of stuff.  It was exactly that way with my mom......  Keep him in your thoughts. 

The Doors, "Light My Fire". I like the opening organ(?) harpsichord(?). After the visit we went to lunch.  Red Lobster. Guilty Pleasure. No hand slapping please. When we left it started raining. We could see lightning to the southwest. The direction we were heading, of course. . Don't you like it when you can see the rain coming down hard and you're heading straight towards it?  Lol. Anyway we got home.  I took a nap because we still had someplace to go later in the afternoon.  I'm like Pavlov's dogs when it comes to thunderstorms. I sleep and I sleep hard!  

 Guy, "Groove Me". Geez..I start bopping and chair dancing as soon as the song starts.  Lol. " It. Ain't. Over". The last task of the day was an event sponsored by the group that runs my dialysis unit, Greenfield Health Systems. It's part of the Henry Ford (Hospital) Health Systems. They have dialysis centers in Southeast Michigan. It was to explain the benefits of Home Hemodialysis (HHD). It's a modality that I've investigated, am interested in, and will probably use.  

Geto Boys, "Mind Playing Tricks on Me". Thanks Brian. ;-)  HHD allows me to dialyze at home, more often. It also allows me to travel without taking out time to go to the local dialysis center. I'm also able to dialyze more often. Like 2-3 hours per day 5-6 days per week. At home.  On my own time. Maybe watching the Today Show. Or the evening news.  Or Judge Judy.  Or Jimmy Fallon. You get the idea. My fluid restrictions will ease up.  As well as I can have a banana or guacamole or the rare occasional Bloody Mary.  We will attend training. Yes we. I need a partner.  We'll both learn to stick me (cannulate).  We'll both learn how to set up the machine, how to hook me out and how to run me off.  I'm kinda excited about switching off.  It also is not as harsh on my body.  My heart, my bones. Yay!!! 

Signing off with Ramsay Lewis and Earth Wind and Fire, "Sun Goddess". Happy, soothing song.  :-). Enjoy your day. It's hump daaaaaaay!


  1. The HHD sounds like a real benefit and help for you. I didn't realize home dialysis was even a possibility. Yea, for modern technology!

    Are the HHD machines rented or purchased outright?


  2. The machines are covered by insurance! As is the training and all of the supplies. Whoo hoo!
