Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Friday, September 19, 2014

The "We No Longer Own a Home in Detroit!", edition.

iPad shuffled to Chaka Khan, "And The Melody Still Lingers On (A Night in Tunisia)".  Yep. We closed on Wednesday.  We engaged the real estate agent in July. She gave us 2 weeks to prepare the house. We emptied it out!!  She put up the For sale sign on a Wednesday.  She posted almost 100 photos to some real estate site Wednesday evening. On Saturday we had 8 people looking through the house. A few more on Sunday. We get a call on Monday that an offer was made. Whoa!  That happened fast. The offer did have some conditions. The potential buyer wanted the piano, the dinette set in the breakfast room and the 2 desks and the 2 office chairs in the basement. We had had no problem with piano and desks, but the dinette had left over the weekend. When we said we were clearing out furniture, we meant that we were clearing out furniture!!!  By Monday we had a card table and folding chairs in the breakfast room!  It looked sad, but that's what we had to do. ;-)  This happened in July before I left.

Earth, Wind and Fire, "Sun Goddess".  In the end, 3 old mismatched dining chairs, a recliner and a lamp were also left behind. How do I know?  I have photos. Why do I have photos?  Well, the buyer took out an FHA loan. Before his loan was officially approved, he had to pass an FHA inspection. That's what prolonged the sale. The house pretty much the City inspection, but the FHA was more stringent. Since we were selling as is, the buyer had to make the repairs. And he did. And he passed the inspection. Woot!!!  Now the paper signing and moving the documents between Detroit and Las Vegas. 

The O'Jays, "I Love Music". It seems I was getting something once a week in August to sign and it needed to be returned the next day. FedEx and I became good friends. The final packet came the day after the approved FHA inspection in September.  18 pages. Heh. I called my agent and had her walk me through all the documents and signed what I could while talking to her. Oh yeah. Remember we had a 3 hour time difference going on to add to the mix.  Anyway.  There were 2 documents that needed notarization.  And I needed to return the documents this past Monday for a Wednesday closing. I talked to the agent and signed stuff on Saturday evening. But no notaries were open on Sunday. But they all opened bright and early on Monday. Except...and this is the dialysis angle...I dialyze Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 5:00 AM to 8:30 AM and get out around 8:45 AM. And I may or may not feel well afterwards. 

Averge White Band, "A Love of Your Own".  Well I felt ok after dialysis on Monday. Not great, but not knocked out. I'd be able to function for a while. After treatment we went to a legal forms store not too far from the clinic. We're all set to go and they realize I have a limited power of attourney for Dad. They then demand a copy of the power of attourney document. WTF. It's in Detroit. >:-(  This was going to be an issue. And no, they didn't want a copy or a fax. Well damn. Now this is how you know I'd just finish treatment. I didn't argue or tell  them how stupid this was. I was too tired and didn't feel like it. I just collected my papers and walked out. We headed home. I think Brian was more ticked off than me. 

Heatwave, "The Groove Line".  We went back to the condo, I called the agent. Then I got an idea. I called another branch of the forms store. Explained about needing the documents notarized and that I had the power of attourney, but the not that document. I did however have my father. Lol. Why yes.  That's fine. Come on in. I herded up Brian and Dad. It was around 10 AM my time, 1 PM Detroit time. We got to the store, produced the documents, Dad and I had to show our IDs (yay, my Nevada ID came a few days earlier). Documents got notarized. It cost $10.00. Yay!!!   We hightailed it to FedEx.  The titled company sent me a prepaid label. I had a copy made of the 18 page document. Document sent. Due to arrive Tuesday morning. Whew!!

Cameo, "I Just Want to Be".  But wait!  There's more. Wednesday morning during treatment I check my phone. 2 more documents sign. But I can fax these. Ok, I need to get the docs to the ASAP. I'm in the chair. I gotta get home to print the docs and fax them. Done. After breakfast. Lol. Sent them back around 1:00 PM a Detroit time.  Around 3:00 PM my time I get a call from the real estate agent. I'm taking my post dialysis nap. It's a done deal. House closed. Not ours any longer!!  Yeah!! 

Signing off with Rahsaan Patterson, "Feels Good". Lol. How appropriate. :-)  Now on to other stuff !  I found a farm northeast of the city. A Farm!  We're gonna check that out. Lol. Have a great weekend!!  

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