Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The "Bumps in the Road Make Life Exciting"

Well you already know that Saturday I was feeling rather punky. I woke up feeling out of sorts. I had dialysis the night before with no issues. Anyway.  Saturday mornings Dad, Brian and I go to the casino. Before you say "Aha", it's the only time we step foot in a casino and it's for an hour. 1 hour. And it's a local casino, Boulder Station.  Not on the strip. Ok. I felt off Saturday morning, but went to the casino anyway. Dad asked me if I wanted to stay home, but no, Pat always has to power herself through the day.  While in the casino I got tired of walking around, so I wandered back over to the meeting place. After we did our promotions thing....the casino has these games for regulars where we can win stuff....we went back home.  What do we win?  You can win cash, but this day Dad got a coupon for Starbucks. I've won free slot play and and a slice of pizza. Whoo!  But one day.....  lol 

When we returned home, I fixed breakfast, ate breakfast, then went to the bedroom to rest. Brian and I had plans for later that day. There was a Sounds and Taste of Soul festival. Sadly I was too tired and wiped out. I knew I wasn't up to walking Saturday. Heck. Not only was I not up to walking, I slept all day. ALL DAY!!! Heh. Then I slept all night. Lol. The good thing is Saturday is an off day for dialysis.  I woke up Sunday feeling better.  Not aces, but better.  But then we went to the mall to pick up some stuff, then headed downtown for the festival the rain. I felt fine. I had the stamina to walk around. In the rain. Lol. I have no idea why my body just crashed. I think we were quite busy the previous week and I just needed to rest. No ham, no foul. 

So what do we do downtown?  Well first of all we park at The D. A touch of Detroit. We can walk in and the the gift store that sells Louis the Hatter hats. There is an Andiamo's restaurant there. And of course American Coney island...except the last time we were there it tasted awful. Someone messed up the recipe. I need to contact the folks at American Coney Island in Defroit and let them know. Brian says maybe they had sucky suppliers.  

While downtown I was looking for Las Vegas and/or Nevada post cards. I received communication from the alumni association of my elementary school that the 4th and 5th grade classes wanted to hear from former students and where interested where we are now. I wrote a letter about my time at Pasteur and had sent some postcards. I wanted a few more, but I need to find a place that sells postcards that don't feature casinos.  Lol. Of course sending post cars from Las Vegas gives the impression of going around the world in a single city.  Lol lol.  We walked past a restaurant named the Heart Attack Grill. We went in. Brian looked at the menu. I looked at all the customers wearing hospital gowns. Apparently you're  given a hospital gown to eat in. I wasn't interested in eating with a bunch of people in hospital gowns. I've been in the hospital often enough. :-/  Oh yeah. There's a big sign outside the restaurant. If you weigh more 350 pounds, the meal is free. Dad says someone actually died after eating there. And no, I didn't even look at the menu. 

We received our second shipment of dialysis supplies on Monday. Can you believe it's been a month?  This time the delivery of items was much less (bad sentence). I also met with my health team last week. My blood pressure has dropped considerably. I am no longer taking blood pressure meds. My other labs were great. If my phosphourus levels go any lower, I'll have to get supplements. Calcium and potassium are great. The only blip, and it's a slight blip, was my protein level was a little low. Like .1 point off. Which I don't understand because I eat protein. Chicken, beef, shrimp and eggs. Ah well. 

Finally, Brian and I have sort of fallen into a routine do treatment, but we still have our missteps. It seems some nights we fumble and bumble through the entire process, but we still get it done. The good news, the bumps in the road are pretty minor and recoverable. Like the time I put the medicine in the syringe, but when Brian went to administer it the syringe was empty. Lol. I have no idea what happened.  Or Brian forgetting to place the waste tube near a drain. He keeps the open end in a garbage bag, so it started emptying out in the bag.  Oops!!  Or the time I tried to insert the wrong needle in one of my buttonholes. Lol. But we are really doing fine.  

Dads doing fine. He has a cadre of ladies clucking at him. Lol. I'll be fixing dinner monthly for dad and his friends so they can get together. I feel compelled to take care of all of them. And I just love the idea!  Coming up is red beans and rice. And since my phosphourus levels are low I can eat some beans. Whoo hoo!!!  And finally, I've signed up of a Special Needs Plan, a Medicare Advantage plan for people with ESRD. They also have plans for others medical issues. It's not perfect, but it has some advantages. It's a new plan and not available everywhere. I lucked out that Nevada is a test state.  

My sister-in-law requested I go back to writing the blog 3 times a week again. I'm going to try. Take care. Spring is around the corner. 

You can't see, but these burgers hava a lot of bacon on them. 

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