Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Friday, February 21, 2014

The "We Got Snow, Sleet, Rain and Thunder in 30 Minutes. Yay?", edition.

iPad shuffled to Sam Cooke with Lou Rawls, "Bring It On Home To Me".  Love this duet with Lou in the background.  Yesterday, Brian and I ran some errands, ending up at the mall. The sky was gray when we went in. Came out little over an hour later. Big, fat snowflakes were coming down and had already coated the roads and affected visibility.  About a mile south, freezing rain joined the big fat snowflakes.  2 miles later it was just freezing rain. The roads were ice.  Glad we opted out of the freeway. 2 miles later, it was raining.  The temp never budged off 32 degrees. ;-/  The roads were just darn impressive. Nothing but ice.  Truly a dicey trip. We had other errands to run and most importantly, we had to pick up the dog from the groomers. Fortunately, the weather let up some by the time we needed to get her.  I am officially over winter.

 Al Green, "I Can't Get Next to You".  Shhh.  I like this version the best. Don't tell. The last blog entry I took you on a dialysis adventure that's not so fun. It's something dialysis patients go through periodically.  I suspect it also happens to people with chronic or terminal illnesses.  We all deal with it in our own ways. Some people are perpetually mean. Some look and act as if lthey've given up.  I get over it. I seem to cycle through this about every 6-8 weeks and I need to get it out. I have to remember that I am mobile, I am not diabetic, I don't have Lupus, I didn't have kidney disease as a child or young adult. I'm alive. The pity party occurred the night before the entry. By the time I woke up the next morning, I was fine. And yes, Brian was there to comfort me. What a burden for a caregiver.  I've asked him to write an entry from the viewpoint of caregiver.  If you've ever been a caregiver, what was your experience like?

I also want to show you how my scars look now. A before and after, if you will.  

The Originals, "Baby, I'm For Real".  Sweet, slow dance song. An underrated group.  A few weeks ago, I read about a group that was advising families to boycott the Girl Scouts, because it was encouraging girls to be independent.  Women don't need a college education either. They advised to not allow girls to join or pull them out, if already members.  I have issues with that train of thought. HUGE. I bought 4 boxes and took them to dialysis for the staff.   Mostly women. Clearly independent. 

Signing off with Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66, " Night and Day". I was digging this sound as a kid. Lol. Have a great weekend. We still have to wear boots.  One day I can put the boots up.  Soon, I hope. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Pat. It is like that for us folks with chronic illnesses. Sick of all those specialists, sick of all those bottles of pills and having to refill them and/or putting them in the organizer and taking them throughout the day. Inhalers and diets, etc, etc, etc. Then feeling guilty for feeling that way periodically. I've also been a caregiver for many years for one parent and then later for both parents. Extremely hard. More than I thought I would ever be capable of handling. But God and His infinite wisdom and mercy, I made it through. As hard as it all was, would I do it all again? In a word.....ABSOLUTELY. Thank you again SO much for this blog. A lot of us need this and look forward to it. God Bless
