Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Friday, February 7, 2014

The "We Keep Finding More Photos", edition.

iPad shuffled to The Whispers, "I Only Meant to Wet My Feet". " got me walking on wall to wall love".  You know I go looking for Brian whenever I hear The Whispers for my dance. :)   Well right now I'm sitting up. My BP was 195/122. :-O  That means no reclining for me. The nurse came by changed the cuff and tightened it.  BP is now 130/80.  Much better.  I can recline and not be scared. The elevated blood pressure is an indication that I'm retaining fluid.  But I was good.  I don't understand.  I'll ask the doctor on Wednesday.  I'm not trying to have a stroke. *sigh*.

Steely Dan, "Rikki Don't Lose That Number". Nice guitar solo.  I think I also mentioned that my skin was reacting to the alcohol pads used to wipe the access holes. The skin got really dry and itchy beyond belief.  I don't want to scratch the area, so I scratch around it. Sometimes it feels itchy under the skin. Ugh. I've changed to Betadine when I pull the needles.  When the needles are pulled, I place a betadine swab on the gauze and apply pressure to the hole with the gauze bad, with the betadine side in contact with the access point and skin.  Also, the numbing cream I put on before going to the clinic helps.  I also use anti itch lotion on the off days. I really can't apply the lotion to the sites until the scabs have formed.  Infection control you know. 

Guy, "Groove Me".  That song makes want to start a party right here, right now.  It also made me a Teddy Riley fan for life. Lol.  We've been cleaning and purging. More and more photos show up. Photos of mom before she got married. Dad before he got married. And when I say before they got married, it was before their first marriages.  That's right the marriage of my parents was the second marriage for both of them.  And that lasted 57 years.  I'll venture in the basement to scan the photos when the weather is warmer.  Dad says he has a bunch in Vegas he wants to scan. I tried to talk him thru it over the phone. Lol. That wasn't too successful. Lol. It wasn't successful at all!!  Roflmao!!!  We did find an autographed Kiwanis magazine with my godfather on the cover. :)

When I first going to dialysis, I wore what I had.  Remember, Brian had to help me get dressed.  So I made do.  Eventually I got utilitarian clothes to wear. I needed to keep warm, but I had the chest catheter, so no turtlenecks. Preferably V-neck sweaters.  While waiting, I'd see a lady come in dressed to the nines, with her hair done. She was sharp. She even had a sparkly cane. And she was just so pleasant.  Well, I thought I didn't go to work looking like a bum. Why should I go to dialysis looking like a bum. I can be comfortable and still look nice. The transformation was gradual, but I always look presentable going to dialysis.  I look good enough to be able to go out after treatment.  Whoa, Rob Base and DJ Eazy Rock, "It Takes Two". Chair dancing.  It started slowly, but I started smiling and bouncing. Lol. 

I moved away from yoga pants and sweat suits, to jeans and sweaters. Then I started to apply my moisturizer.  Then I started applying tinted Burt's Bees.  Hey my lips were dry and I needed a little color. ;-)  Then I started carrying a purse. I'd get out of the car. Brian would get my walker, place my dialysis bag on the walker and then place my purse on my shoulder. I'd ordered the bag around my birthday, but didnt use it until late January. Then I got some fashionable (but comfortable) shoes. See, prior to the diagnosis and dialysis, I had Plantar Fasciitis. I had orthopedic shoes ( as cute as I could get, but they were still ugly ). I wasn't going to get athletic shoes.  Then I got my hair cut. It was much too long. I looked like Angela Davis. Lol. I hadn't had a haircut for about 5 months.  I started using a light fragrance. 

I started wearing brighter colors.  I started wearing jewelry. And you know what?  I started having some pep in my step. A smile in my style.  A nurse commented that when you look good, you feel good.  Some days I feel better than others, but I always put some effort in my looks before going out.  I've recently gone back to wearing makeup. Not everyday, but some days. And I like it. Lol. I am my mother's daughter. She believed in not just looking presentable, but good, even if it was a trip to the grocery store.  She'd admonish me to at least but some lipstick on. Or exclaim, "You're wearing that?" So here I am going to a medical procedure looking more than presentable. Lol. And yeah, it does make feel better. And the icing on the cake is when Brian winks and smiles and tells me I look good. ;-D

Well, my BP is out of control.  My feet are back down. <huge frown>. The nurse threatened me with the BP pill. I think not. I'll tell you about the last time I was given it.  Signing off with Meshell Ndegeocello, "Who Is He And What Is He To You". Can she play that bass or what!  Have a great weekend. Stay warm. :) 

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