Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The "Dialyzing on a Sunday Morning", edition.

Good morning!  I know. This is an odd time to write the blog.  This is just an example of the flexibility of home hemodialysis (HHD). Saturday is my regular day off but since we are hosting the indoor picnic today, we decided to do treatment on Saturday. Well. The prepping for dinner was Saturday. And now I'm going to step back a bit.  

My menu for today is ribs, chicken, hot links, buns, rolls and potato salad. I'll  have a relish tray with green olives, black olives, kalamata olives, little dill pickles, sweet gherkins, green onions and grape tomatoes. There is also a fruit bowl with watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, peaches, grapes and strawberries. And finally pound cake and strawberry ice cream for Carl. He's an ice cream fiend. :-D  

I ordered the meat, cooked,  from John Mull's Meat Road Kill Grill. We picked it up on Friday. Friday was the last day of a string of days where the temperature exceeded 105 (17 days). Anyway.  We pulled into an impossibly crowded parking lot.  There was a line at the grill...people purchasing their lunches. I thought cool. We're going inside to the butcher building and all the people are outside. No lines! Boy, was I wrong!!  The place was packed. People ordering ribs, people buying ribs, steaks, turkeys, chickens, etc.  and the folks like me, buying cooked, catered food. I paid and we were directed to drive our car behind the building.  Lo and behold there's another "grill master" cooking on one of the largest grills I'd ever seen. The chef was grilling in that 105 + degree weather and was so pleasant.  My food was truly fresh off the grill!  As we left people were still coming. And for the large number of people who were waiting, everyone was patient!  I can't say enough good things about the Road Kill Grill.  And driving home with the food was maddening. We wanted to pull over and start pigging out!   Lol. 

Yesterday we made the potato salad. That is an all day job. In addition I made a lot because my guests expect to take home goodie bags. I've spoiled them. <3.  The fruit bowl was a bit easier. We purchased the watermelon, pineapple and cantelope already cut.  All that was left was pulling grapes, halving the strawberries and peeling and slicing the peaches. All that's left for today is heating up the meat and fixing the relish tray.  Yeah!  

So where was I going?  We'd planned on treatment on Saturday, my regular day off. From past experience, my guests like to linger and we'd end up doing treatment at a later time and we'd be tired. Well, we were tired after prepping yesterday.  Lol. The solution?  Do treatment Sunday morning. I'll be done by noon, able to recover and finish setting up. Dinner is at 4. Home hemodialysis for the win!!  Flexibility, yay!!     

I mentioned the string of hot days. The average temp was around 110-112.   For 17 straight days. Ugh. Today the high will be  104 or something. And when the wind blows, it's like standing in front of a giant blow dryer. But when I think of ice and snow, I'm good!  

A bit of HHD info. The clinic supplies us with everything we need including a digital scale, digital thermometer and a battery operated blood pressure cuff. The scale so I know how much fluid weight I've gained and how much to take off. I weigh my self after treatment to see how much was actually removed. See, once treatment is finished, my blood is returned to me, in addition to saline.  This called a rinse back. I can get back up to .5 kilograms returned.  So if I need to remove 1.5 kg, .5 will be returned during rinse back. Sometimes the number will vary. My temperature is taken to check for infection. And you already know why my blood pressure is constantly monitored during treatment. I'll know I'm getting ready to pass out when it reaches 60/40!

That's it for today.  Eat lots of leftovers and enjoy your day!  

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