Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The "Lamar Odom's Kidney Journey", edition.

Good Wednesday morning!  Before you ask, yes, I'm feeling better. I take 3 steps forward and 1 step back, but it still equals progress. So now on to the topic. Lamar Odom's kidney failure. My Facebook and Internet dialysis groups watched silently until it was printed that Lamar may need a kidney transplant and the all hell broke out. But let's go back a little. 

I probably got a higher dose of Lamar Odom's news, constantly,  since I live in Las Vegas. And on top of that, I live about a mile from the hospital he was admitted to. In fact, it's the same hospital I was transported to by EMS when I passed out earlier this year. And no, we didn't even go in that direction all week. Had no business over there. I read that his organs were failing and was concerned when they said he has been put in dialysis. I was pleased that most of his organs were recovering, except the kidneys. :-/  I told Brian that I hoped Lamar had acute kidney damage, rather than chronic kidney damage. See with acute damage, the kidneys recover. Yes. It happens. I've seen people leave dialysis becaus their kidneys started functioning again. Acute damage = temporary damage. Chronic damage = permanent damage.  I was dismayed to find out he may need a transplant. But not for the reasons as some of my fellow warriors. 

I've consistently said I wouldn't wish kidney failure and dialysis on anyone. And I mean it. I'm not here to judge Lamar's lifestyle. He a grown man.  I have sympathy for anyone who ends up on dialysis, no matter what the circumstances. But I'm seeing people tsk tsk-ing Lamar. Stop it. No one deserves failed kidneys. So now he may need a transplant. 

People are up in arms, worrying that Lamar will get an immediate transplant and bypass everyone on the transplant list. I think my fellow dialysis warriors are having a brain fart. They know there are criteria for where we are placed on the list. There are over 100,000 people waiting for a kidney in the United States. And the wait is dependent on where you are listed. And California is one of the longest wait states with an average wait of 7 years. I'm pretty sure that UNOS, the group that oversees the organ distribution process is not going to make an exception for Lamar.  However, if someone comes forward and donates a kidney for him then yes, he'll get a kidney immediately. My warriors seem to forget about a living donor. But more than that,miss just the venom spewed just thinking he'll get special treatment. I say go for it. Whatever it take to get off dialysis. There is an asterix here. His past drug use will be an issue trying to get on the list. But it won't affect hi if he gets a live donor. 

I hate dialysis and I feel my life expectancy slipping each day. Some days I just want to give up. Some days I wish I hadn't awaken. Some days are just that bad. And I wouldn't wish this on anyone. So if Lamar Odom can get a kidney from a live donor, I'm happy for him! 

So with this knowledge in hand and if by some obscure reason this topic comes up in your everyday discussion, consider yourself knowledgable about the topic!  

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