Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Friday, March 6, 2015

The "Unseasonably Warm in Las Vegas. Heh Heh", edition

John Legend, "Used To Love U". This was the first song I heard by John Legend. I also liked the video.  Oh yeah. Music.  I'm listening to music as I type.  When my phone died a horrid death last fall, Sprint offered us a Harmon Kardon Bluetooth speaker with the new phone.  I had told Brian I wanted a Bluetooth speaker for Christmas. So we took Sprint up on the offer. The iPad has a real sucky speaker  system. This Bluetooth speaker is great!  So I'm writing this, with music, before the day gets started. On a side note, Dad got himself a Bose radio. He's been listening to Old school R & B. He sometimes can't understand or mishears the lyrics so he asks me and Brian the names of songs. We need to decipher what he hears vs the song title. I think I mentioned he told me he liked the song, "You Bought The Farm For Me" which really was "You Dropped a Bomb on Me", The Band. lol. I tried to get him to use the Shazaam app on his new smart phone, but that's going to take time.  ;-)  In the meantime, he comes and gets either me or Brian to tell him the title and artist. He's getting pretty good though. He knows Chaka Khan. Then again he's not familiar with Janet Jackson. We'll work on this. :-)

Missy Elliott, "Work It". It has been unseasonably warm in Las Vegas. February 2015  was the warmest February recorded out here. We'd gotten used the warm temps. And I mean mid 70s.  The last week it got cool and we turned the heat on. And no, we didn't turn on the air conditioning when it got warm, we just opened the windows. I just couldn't turn on the air in February. It felt unnatural. Lol. Brian and I chuckle that last winter we experienced the most snow recorded in a winter in Detroit, then we move out here to experience a new record. {don't throw rocks at me}. I do know that after last winter I was determined to not spend another winter in Michigan. Mission accomplished!!!  

Hey. The AKAs out here have an academic scholarship in my moms name. I've been invited to an open house to meet the applicants on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it. I'm also joining the chapter out here. Now I'll have to get pink and green clothes for my wardrobe. When I went to the last meeting, the sorors  were decked out in pink and green and AKA paraphernalia.  Been a long time since I've done this. Lol. 

The Whispers, "Is It Good To You". Ha. Now I can go get Brian to dance instead of chair dancing for 3 hours!!!  I digress. On the dialysis front we're doing ok. A couple of things. When attaching the tubing to the needles we're getting small air bubbles in the lines. Of course this never happened during training, but now it happens every time. :-/  Yes, we know how to clear them out. It's just frustrating that it happens all the time. Then again, if that's our major problem, we really don't have to much to worry about.  

After the needles are pulled, I apply pressure to the needle holes until the bleeding stops. Brian applies the bandage after checking to make sure the bleeding stops. Once in a while it hasn't stopped. The first he checked and it was still bleeding he was startled. The blood just sort oozed out. He re applied the pressure immediately. The other day he checked and he got the blood spurting up in the air thing. That startled him. And yes, I laughed. He's now seen it all! Well maybe not all, but there can be surprises around every corner (Willie Wonka quote). 

I've contacted the National Kidney Foundation about how to start an office in Las Vegas. Look. I know I can do, but it will,probably take more energy than I want to expend. I will get the info and see what I have to do. I have some ideas. 

Signing off with Brownstone, "Grapevyne". RIP Charmayne Maxwell, a member of Brownstone. 

Have a great weekend. Spring is coming soon. :)

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