Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Friday, December 25, 2015

The "I'm Writing This On Christmas Day!", edition.

Merry Christmas. I didn't really anticipate writing the blog today, but I've got this small window of respite right now. Let's start with Wednesday, shall we?  Brian and Shawn got out early to pick up the tritip and smoked turkey. The tritip tasted great!  Anyway. We left later on to go to my monthly kidney appointment.  Great appointment.  I got a clean bill of health from my nephrologist.  I'm back to dialysis 5 days a week, but can do more if I feel the need. I'll be starting the process to get on the transplant list here in Nevada after January 1. The only hiccup is finances. I'll get into that in a later edition. You'll like this. (Feel the sarcasm). Let's just say that we're fortunate that finances won't get in the way, no thanks to the fucking City of Detroit. Ugh. 

Anyway. I still had to get a hit of iron at the appointment. But I don't need the protein supplement since I'm eating. Also we fax flow sheets (forms we fill out that have data from the  dialysis session). I skipped treatment on my birthday and indicated on the flow sheet for the following treatment that I missed treatment because it was my birthday. When I got to the dialysis center, every one wished me happy birthday, including the doctor!!  Ok. So my initial point was I got the iron. It's introduced through my arterial access. It takes about 10 minutes. And my accesses are causing problems right now, I may have to create new buttonholes. Another story for another time. My point is, I opted out of treatment Wednesday evening because I didn't want to restick the access so soon after the iron treatment. So we did treatment Thursday morning and will probably do treatment again this evening. It's all good. Dinner is early today at 2:00. 

Wednesday Shawn and I finished the potato salad. It went incredibly fast and Shawn showed me shortcuts. Imagine.  This recipe is handed down from my grandfather and it took my daughter to shorten the time significantly!!!  Hooray for youth and great thinkers!!!  Thursday Brian and I did the cucumber salad and banana pudding. That leaves the rice and brussel sprouts for today.  So today!  We sort of went overboard and got Shawn everything she asked for.  And more.  She ended up with a giant box filled with a bunch of presents!  She asked for and received archeology tools. I gave Dad a new fedora. I saw his old hat when he went to church. It looked pretty bad.  Bran received a cut resistant glove, so he may try a mandolin again without ending up in ER. ;-)  And I got bags. I am a an unashamed bad lady. And a kick ass AKA cardigan!!!  

Brian fixed the baileys and coffee and we had sausage, egg and biscuit sandwiches.  We'll kick into high gear in about 1.5 hours. Right now we're just chilling and enjoying each other!!  On that note I'm signing out. Have a great Christmas Day and enjoy yourselves.  I'm looking forward to the rest of the day!!!  

Note the Christmas tree on the speaker!!  And next to the hat is the gift to Dad from my brother and sister in law. Dad asked for a Mercedes. He got one! And the batteries to go with it!!!   Hehehehehe!!!
And for the record there  are other gifts scattered around the living room waiting to be placed under the "tree".  :-)  

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