iPod shuffled to "Superman Lover", Johnny Guitar Watson. He had me hooked the first time I heard him. I wandered over to WGPR and they were playing one of his songs. WJLB never played that. At that point, I moved up the FM dial permanently. ;-). 107.5. Who the hell are these techs and where did the regular 15 go? Lol. No seriously. Who are these people???
"Crazy on You", Heart. Where did the female groups go? Ok. I settle into the routine of dialysis. I notice the rotation of staff. Some staff float modules, some seem to never move. I notice the other people in the module with me. I notice who leaves while I'm there. I notice who has a doodad hanging off their chest like me and who doesn't. No one seems particularly friendly. One lady comes in a wheelchair. The staff has to use a hoisting thing to lift her in and out of the chair. This hoisting thing can be used by single person. I am mesmerized by it.
I watch the guy who's finishing up. He's in the one of the"other chairs". He's applying pressure to where the needles were, but there's also a huge bulge there!!! I'm grossed out but I can't look away. Some people seem to take longer than others for the access point to stop bleeding. See, the access point or fistula is really created to move blood, so stopping/slowing it would take time. For the record, my fistula is new and tiny. It stops bleeding relatively quickly....for now. I kinda get taken aback sometimes when I ease up on the pressure to peek and see a gusher of blood. Ack! Ack! Apply the pressure!!! Peek and see if the tech saw me cheating, then continue on like nothing happened. Lol.
Why is Matt Lauer interviewing a silhouette? I've gone off topic. Lol. As I come to dialysis, I thought I'd have as assigned chair, but we get whichever chair ones up 1st. Except now that I'm on first shift, I do have MY chair. (I am on only child, after all - lol). I'm embarrassed and ashamed to admit that once after I waited about an hour. I was incredibly rude to the tech when she came to get me. Really rude. Really, really rude. Profanity spewing rude. :-( Of course I felt pretty bad because someone had been bleeding out. Not to worry. I got paid back in spades. Karma, people. Always remember karma. /sigh
In current news, Friday I should go to a full stick. Right now I'm one and one, which means one of the two fistula access points is working ( out flow I believe ). In flow is still one of the two chest access points. Three successful full arm days and this crap on my chest goes away. Lets have a celebration party when that happens!
Signing off with "This Place Hotel", the Jackson's. lol. The name of the song is a big wtf. Shouldn't the title be "Heartbreak Hotel "? I actually looked this up a while ago, but apparently I thought the explanation was stupid. Lol
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