Friday, we had some major running around to do, picking up items and shopping for Shawn's open house. The plan was to go get breakfast after dialysis, then pick up the hors d'oeuvres. After that, I'd take a break, then we'd head off to Costco. Well, while at breakfast, I received 2 calls. Apparently Brian received 2 calls also and Shawn picked up 2 at home. I didn't recognize the number, but there was a voice mail, so I listened. It was the lead social worker from the dialysis center. The message was, "Charge nurse, your social worker and I agreed that the catheter can come out. We talked to vascular surgeon. You need to get there within an half-hour of when this message is made". Uh oh. I had 30 minutes. ;-( I call the social worker. She repeats the message and gives me surgeon's phone number. She says that doc is going out of town today and won't be back for two weeks. Yeah, I get the sense of urgency. I call. They say come on in. I holler to Brian to get the car keys. "Let's Go!!" I had to explain to him where we were going and why as we pulled out of the driveway. :-). Seal, "Kiss From a Rose". Such a pretty song. But does anyone know any other Seal songs? This song is from a Batman soundtrack.
So, for Detroiters, this is the distance I had to go in 30 minutes or less. Lol. We'd give Dominos a run for the money. (Maybe close to 10 miles) I'm at 7 Mile/Livernois. Doc is at 11 Mile/Hoover. 8 Mile east to 75 north to 696 east to Hoover north. We get there. And wait. Lol. WTF. I was led to believe doc had one foot on the plane. I finally get called back after an hour. I start to get riled up, but I remember karma ( see last weeks entry). Doc finishes up previous patient, comes in gives me some shot of anesthesia near my it didn't hurt. We're talking and joking and he says, "oh by the way, the catheter is out". Lol. Of course. After a few minutes of applying pressure, the nurse puts a bandaid on the wound and they shoo me out.
"Morris Brown", Outkast featuring Scar and Sleepy Brown. I love Scar's voice. I also like Sleepy Brow, but I'm not hearing him...but it's ok. I got Scar. Outkast featured some nice talent on their songs. Doc, his staff and I say our goodbyes. I've been going to them since December for the fistula. Now that it's working, their job is done. For the record, I'd recommend this doc. And for the added bonus, he'd bring his dog to the office. Dog would come in and visit while you were waiting. :-)
Glad things are looking better. Love You