Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The "Always Looking Forward", edition.

Good Thursday morning!  We never stop do we?  Always planning. Always something to look forward to. My most exciting event for now is I'll start training for nocturnal home hemodialysis in January. Well yes, after the holidays. Makes sense to all of us!  So I know you're asking, "What is nocturnal home hemodialysis?"  I am also sure you're kinda guessing what it is. Yes. Home hemodialysis at night. While I sleep.  In bed. It's a relative recent treatment option. I'll explain. 

First let's discuss the benefits. I know you know I switched from incenter dialysis to home hemodialysis because it was better for my body, it was more flexible, I am able to do treatment in the comfort of my home...and the most important benefit of improves my mortality, my lifespan. It's a more gentler form of treatment. The removal of toxins and fluids is slower and more often, so less strain and shock on my organs, specifically my heart. Nocturnal is even gentler and the outcomes are comparable to a cadaver transplant....receiving a kidney from someone who has died. 

I learned about Nocturnal from members of a home hemodialysis users group I belong to. I liked the idea of doing this while I was asleep. This past summer I asked my nurses about it. They said the center didn't offer it because Davita (the dialysis corporation) hadn't approved the center. Awwww. Well fast forward to my September monthly appointment and I was asked if I was still interested. The center was approved to train and offer nocturnal home hemodialysis. And yes, I was the only person to ask for it. Woot!!  A little info. After asking about other home hemo patients, we found out that there are only about 25 ..25!!!! Home hemodialysis patients in southern Nevada. What???!!?   Apparently people are afraid of needles. But I'd rather stick myself with a needle than have tube sticking out of stomach indefinitely. I digress. So here we are. I'll start training in January. I'm excited. Sort of. Lol

And we're planning for Shawn's visit for the holidays!!  We are counting the weeks. That's my baby!!!  But in the meantime I'll continue the tradition of sending her a smoked turkey meal from Honeybaked Ham for Thanksgiving.  Yes, she'll have dinner with friends, but she'll also have her own dinner with leftovers.  

Brian and I are planning for our 29th wedding anniversary in November. 29 years!!  It's been a while!!  We have early voting out here, so there's that. We're considering heading to California for Thanksgiving for time with relatives. And yes, I'll still prepare a  Thanksgiving dinner for the 3 of us. 

That's it for today. Still nice out here. Friends continue to contact us when they come out here. We're delighted to see them!  Brian and I seem to stay busy. And we are enjoying life. Yes, I have ups and downs and good days and not so good days, but we're hanging in and moving on! Hope today is a good day for you!! Have a wonderful day! 

Smoked turkey breast. Looks good. Tastes good. 

Travel case for my kidney. I'll be using this for car trips. 

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