Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Friday, February 19, 2016

The "We Caucus Tomorrow", edition.

Good Friday morning. We caucus tomorrow. The good news is the political ads will taper off. The Hilary and Bernie ads have been constant and unrelenting for a while. The republican ads ramped up within the last 2 weeks. Except for Marco. His ads have been running for as long as Hilary and Bernie. And finally Trump's 1 ad started this week. Every candidate has multiple ads. Trump has just 1 ad and it's brilliant. It's a black father, who supports Trump, whose son was killed by an immigrant. Cruz's ads are creepy. No Carson ads.  And Jeb has some retired military brass saying he's the guy. One of Bernie's ads has what I called hippie music. After checking on Shazam, I found out that it's Simon and Garfunkel , "America".  Of course Brian knows the song. Lol. Anyway, the ad is like Coke's ad from long ago, "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing". 

Ok.  On to caucus. There is a fundamental flaw in the Nevada caucus. It's open to everyone, but not available to everyone. What does that mean?  The caucus is Saturday at 11:00 AM. To participate you must show up. No absentee ballots. If you're sick, or have mobility issues you cannot attend. If you celebrate sabbath on Saturday you're SOL. You need to be proactive and find out where you caucus. Since it's not a state activity, you don't get a notice as to where you go. Like in Michigan, where we get the notice on where we go to vote. 

I bet you also thought the people debate at caucuses. Maybe, but not in Nevada. The process in a nutshell is .. You show up. You go stand in your candidates corner. If there is a viable number of people In that candidates corner, a calculation formula  is performed and a number of delegates is assigned to the candidates. Then the delegates head to the county democratic convention, then state democratic  convention, then national democratic convention. It's all about the accumulation and division of delegates. That's it. They anticipate the actual caucus process should take no more that 45 minutes. 

Today will be our final time to make the calls for Hilary.  We are finding that most seniors cannot make it, as much as they'd like to participate. We've convinced Dad to come with us, but we're still trying to explain the caucus process to him. He's all in though. :-)  I'll let you know how it went next week. 

Saw Deadpool. Loved it!  Keep in mind that Deadpool is an anti-hero, not a villain. Wednesday is senior day at most casinos and a lot of the casinos have movie theaters. Tickets cost $4.00. Concessions are discounted also. We went in asking for a drink and 2 small bags of popcorn. However, it was more cost effective to get the special...a large wheelbarrow of popcorn, with refills (!) and 2 drinks. Before we could even comment, the counter guy tells us that he'll not only give us the tub o' popcorn, but will also give us the refill also. So we head to the theater with a tub of popcorn and  two 1 gallon zip lock baggies of popcorn.  ROFLMAO . That was Wednesday. We still have a bag and a half of popcorn. And that's with me, Dad and Brian copping handfuls.  Lol. Lol. I guess we don't have to buy snacks..just go to the movies every Wednesday for a week supply of movie popcorn!  

Dialysis is ok. My hemoglobin dropped again. And again I need to up my protein. I go for my monthly appointment, I bet I'll need the iron injection. Ick. And. I'm in the Medicare donut hole. Right on schedule. The pharmacy called to let me know it was time for a refill and it will cost $452.00. *sigh*. I told them I didn't want to deal with it at the moment and will call them back next week. Even my cheap med rose to $32. Again, once I pay the deductible, around $4,000.00, I'll be in the catastrophic category and the costs will be reasonable. The $452 med will drop to about $30. I guess the category is called catastrophic is because by the time you've paid $4,000 for LIFESAVING meds, your bank account is crying. Yeah, I'll be complaining about this forever. One day I'll explain the tiers of payments for drugs in Medicare. It doesn't have to be so complicated. I guess the medical companies need their yachts. 

That's it for today. I had my glass of Stella Rosa Rosso wine yesterday. Delicious!  And I'm not a wine drinker. I guess I could be on now!  Have a great weekend!!  


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