Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Monday, February 8, 2016

The "Lots of Chicken Wings!", edition.

Good Monday morning!  Well, we've started our volunteer work for the upcoming Nevada caucus. The previous week we stopped by the Nevada State Democratic Office to make sure we were eligible to participate in the caucus.  We were. Well, we are for sure now.  The criteria is to be a registered Democrat in Nevada. And you register for the political parties when you get your drivers license. Neither Brian nor I recalled if we made a party declaration when we got our Nevada licenses. We filled out the forms at the office and now we're good to go. 

The next we stopped by Hillary Clinton's campaign office to get a bumper sticker....I felt the need to offset the Trump and Carson bumper stickers I was seeing.  Long story short, the nice young lady managed to talk me and Brian into volunteering. Well, okay. I hadn't volunteered since President Obama's 2008 campaign. And hadn't done phone calls since Shawn was 2-3.  That's a story for another day!  So on Friday and the next 2 Friday's we'll be calling folks...for an hour. They tried to get more days and hours, but we stood firm!   Lol. 

We also attended a session on how to caucus because we just didn't know. The mechanics are fairly easy and the session lasted 45 minutes.  Oh yeah. We also found out that we some how became precinct captains.  :-/  Sheesh. All I wanted to do was to be prepared for the caucus. How does Nevada caucus?  Long story short...once you select your candidate, you cannot change (!).  The basic reason for the caucus is to allocate delegates.  And this process continues through the county and then state level. 

How'd the calls go?  Our supervisor is a young exuberant Hispanic guy. The first call he made entirely in Spanish. He also was contacting casino workers. Special arrangements have been made to accomodate them. Remember the shifts are 24/7.  When we actually reached people the responses were pretty ok. One guy asked why I called him because he was a republican. I apologized and ensured him his name would be removed. A response Brian got was no, because Hilary takes money from Wall Street. I got a fair share of seniors who for a myriad of health reasons cannot participate.  It was an interesting experience. We have 2 more sessions to go. 

Ugh. I just lost a lot of paragraphs. But.  Since I'm doing treatment this morning, I suppose I can retype.  If I can recall my thoughts....

Chicken wings!!  Bear with me. I'll get there. Dad received a call Friday from Pauline's cousin that she was coming to Vegas. Dad asked me if she could join us for the Super Bowl. Of course!  We hadn't shopped for our goodies so we adjusted our quantities. Especially since dad said the cousin liked to eat. Instead of 2 bags of chicken, 3 bags. And instead of 1 pound of shrimp, 2 pounds. And we figured out buying the cooked shrimp from the butcher counter is the better option.  So we just buy a jar of cocktail sauce. Well, the cousin decided not to come over. Ack!  The chicken wings could stay in the freezer.  But no way could we eat all of that shrimp!  An easy jambalaya is in my future.  

Back. I'm doing treatment now.  Because after the long day yesterday....Brian walked a 5K in the morning, we fixed breakfast. I cooked chicken wings. Lol. Baked in batches then made honey-hot sauce wings and sriracha-soy sauce-brown sugar wings. I intended to make plain wings, but Brian and Dad saw them sitting out and scarfed them down. :-/   Lol.  Anyway. And we moved treatment day because the game ended late.  Well. Too late for us on the west coast to start treatment. I'd have been on the machine until midnight.  But more than anything, we don't need to be tired doing the treatment. We can make interesting mistakes when we're not tired. Lol. Let's not take chances. 

Before I'd lost half of what I typed I whined about how much I hate dialysis but understand how without it I'd have died 3 years ago. Even though I have days when I wish I would have died.  Today is a good day. No pity parties today.  And in reality, the love of my family and for my family keeps me going. Brian is so wonderful.  I'm enjoying my dad.  And the love for my daughter is incredible. This keeps me happy.  

So on that note, gave a wonderful day. I'm on the machine now, but the sun is bright and the temps will get in the 70s today. I'm heading outside when this us over and just bask in the warmth!  

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