Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The "My Glass is Always Full", edition.

Good Wednesday morning!  Forget about half empty or half full glasses. I'm taking the full glass every time!  Yeah, I know sometimes life kicks us in the butt. But somehow I keep looking forward. I've accepted that this worldview is part of my makeup. Even when I get in a funk, it's hard and draining to stay there. Yes, my failed kidneys is horrible and I clearly am not happy about having to be on hemodialysis. And I'm not holding my breath for a kidney transplant. But rolling over into a fetal ball isn't going to solve anything. Like I said early on in this journey, I have thangs to do. And the list of "thangs" keeps on growing!  Lol. 

Let's start with my treatment update. I hate dialysis and yet I look forward (sort of) to treatment. I sound schizophrenic. Lol. I figure once treatment is over, I can function pretty well until the next treatment. And if I do well, I can even skip a day. Whee!!!  So the past month or so when I was having issues, I wasn't happy. Now that we (me and my team) have solved the issue, I'm happy. Lol. 

The issue is solved, but I have to execute the solution.  I have to create a new buttonhole for my venous access. This means I have to insert a sharp needle in my arm in the same place for the next 6-9 treatments. This is like creating an ear piercing...except instead of one stick, it's 6-9. I'm creating a track with a sharp needle, so I can then use a blunt needle on a regular basis. I've never stuck myself with a sharp needle. The techs did that when I first started dialysis in Detroit, but I was quickly moved to the buttonhole method and never looked back. But as with all things dialysis and my body, things change, so a new button hole had to be created. And now I have to do it. 

The first day I was asked to stick myself, I couldn't. The next time I did it and it was insanely easy and there was no pain whatsoever. I swear. But that was all I got. A one time supervised shot. After that I was on my own. I asked that the nurse to map the angle of where the needle should be inserted and right now I have a permanent black sharpie line on my arm.  That's fine. And it's prompted questions. Which I answer. Anyway. Last night I was on my own. I took a deep breath and ... Bam!!  I did it. Inserted that needle like a boss!  Or a dialysis tech. Lol.  Piece. Of. Cake!!!  It was great not having cannulation issues like we'd experienced the last several weeks!  And no alarms during treatment!  A nice regular treatment!  Whoo hoo!!  

Oh?  The things I have to look forward to?  Well, the sorority is having a formal gala. That sounds like fun. We Brian tuxed up yesterday. He cleans up well!  Heading to Augusta in June to visit Shawn at her summer dig. We're heading to Ohio and Michigan this summer. It's time for a new car. We need to visit the Ethel M chocolate factory. We want to visit the Springs Preserves. I'm looking forward to being less tired when I finish deep water fitness class. My painting class is starting soon. I'm also thinking about going to class with Gabbie at the art store. I want to see a few shows on the Strip. And we're contemplating moving to a larger condo.  That's is in the early random thought category.  And oh yeah. Seeing Shawn finish the doctorate program. 

That's it for today. I got my dress for the gala, now I need shoes. And special undergarments  * wink wink. Enjoy your Wednesday. I'm headed to DSW!  

This is an excellent representation of what my fistula looks like. It even shows the needles. Blood to machine is arterial access. Blood from machine is venous access. The machine will raise holy hell if it detects blood clots or air in the lines. 

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