Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Friday, April 22, 2016

The "I Remember The Moment When....", edition.

Good purple Friday morning.  Yesterday was a great day at deep water fitness. Tuesday, however, was really hard.  I woke up tired and the workout seemed so difficult. The barbells wore my arms out within the first 2 minutes.  Afterwards, I went home and napped. Yesterday was so much better. I was like the energizer bunny!  My arms were fine and I was moving fast around the pool. And I wasn't (as) winded. 

After the workout, I showered.  I use some Estée Lauder body wash. It smells soooo good. Intoxicating!  Then the body lotion. Anyway. After I finished and am walking out, the instructor tells me that a lifeguard told her that Prince had died. Shock and disbelief. I mentioned he was younger than me. I exited the locker room and Brian is coming out at the same time ( a rare event - lol ) and I tell him.  He hadn't heard. This was about 10:15 AM our time. In the car I checked TMZ on my phone and there it was. :-(  And then quite unexpectedly I started crying. And I've been crying periodically ever since. I'm not sure why.  I had the same reaction to Michael Jackson's death. Anyway. By the time we finished breakfast, satellite radio was playing all Prince all the time and taking calls from people about Prince memories. 

My Prince memory?  I went to the 1999 concert in 1983 at Joe Louis with Spencer. His little sister was upset because she didn't go. So Spencer bought 2 more tickets and had me take her since he had to work. I saw the concert twice!  Vanity was the opening act, followed by The Time and finally Prince. I was mesmerized by the way he moved on stage with impossibly high heels and jumping on those 6 foot speakers!  Best. Concert. Ever.  Oh. And what is tickling me is that a lot of my friends feel as I do..that somehow Prince was our own personal friend.  lol. How the heck can an artist do that?  But he did. He will be missed. <3

Finally, let's tie this all together. Dialysis angle?  Well deep water fitness helping me get not only exercise in, but increasing my strength and stamina. And remembering!  I remember exactly where I was when I heard Elvis died.... I was in front of the Michigan Union in Ann Arbor. I remember where I was when I heard JFK died.... I was in first grade in elementary school and the announcement came over the PA system.  I remember where I was when I heard Michael Jackson died... I was in my car on my way home from work.  And I will remember where I was when I heard rinse had left us. 

The way I handle death is to remember happy times. Go ahead and listen to DMSR, Dance Music Sex Romance and dance!  

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