Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Monday, October 14, 2013

The "Old Dogs Can Emit Some Interesting Smells", edition.

iPod shuffled to Dizzy Gillespie, "A Night in Tunisia". My dad introduced me to Dizzy's cheeks.  ;-)  I also like Chaka Khan's version.  I was accosted by a random bad smell. A smelly smell. It was my old dog. Lol. Now I know where these offensive odors are coming from.  Sometimes she jumps up and barks.  We're like, "Hey, that was you, quit faking!".  Lol. Ramsey Lewis, "Love Song", from the Sun Goddess album. Kick ass piano.  This song is just as good as the title song.

I've decided I'm going to Ohio to visit my brother and other relatives.  I'm going to see my aunt whose kidneys failed around the same time as mine. I probably need to let my brother and sister-in-law know we're coming.  I haven't set a date yet. :-)   I've always enjoyed going to Yellow Springs.  It's the anti-big city.  I remember when KFC wanted to build a franchise there over 30 years ago and they weren't having it.  KFC did eventually get in, but it's on the edge of town and no other fast food franchise ever entered.  If you want a Big Mac, go to Xenia.  Lol. 

A conversation I was in recently was about our caregivers. From the perspective of the patient, it's sometime all about us.  We are the center of attention. So who is taking care of the caregiver?  They need love.  They need a break.  I've got to say Brian was a magnificent trooper.  He never missed a beat.  In fact he moved up his retirement, despite my protests.  He chauffeured me to all the appointments, woke up at 5AM three days a week to get me to dialysis and prepared meals for me.     But he is not with me 24/7.  He's involved with other activities and that's a great thing. There is no doubt in my mind that he contributed to my recovery and my attitude. 

So now I'm clearly not stuck in bed, although on some dialysis days, I am whupped and sleep.  The Whispers, "Don't Be Late For Love".  Lol. I cranked up the volume started swaying.  They are right behind the Dramatics. *sigh*.   Anyway, fast forward and I am pretty independent. Sometimes I have to convince him I'll be fine by myself. I call him my helicopter husband.  He agrees and is proud of the designation. :-/  lol.  

Here is a trivia tidbit from the kidney failure saga. The months before I retired, I didn't mind going to work, but the physical act of going to work was challenging.  Walking from the parking structure to my office  On his days off, he'd drive me and pick me up.  Well I figured since I was retiring, I didn't need a car.  We could downsize.  He and Shawn had a car if I needed one. Well he decided I needed a car, but maybe a smaller one?  I relented.  I got a Fusion in August. But I would miss my Taurus. I loved that car. *sigh*.  Anyway, I had a new car, but didn't feel like driving.  I may have driven no more than 5 times before I ended up in the hospital.  It took about 8 months to get 1000 miles on it. Even now it just pushed 4000, and that includes a single round trip to University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Skyped with Shawn last night. The dog heard her voice and started looking for her. <3.  Signing off with Jamie Foxx, "I Don't Need It". "Like a glass of water in the desert baby". Lol.

1 comment:

  1. Bah. Jamie's lyric is "Like a glass of hot water in the desert, I don't need it"..
