Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The "Tomorrow is Our 26th Wedding Anniversay".

iPod shuffled to The Whispers (swoon), "In The Mood".  "This is what I do to get you in the mood, baby I'll do it all to get you the mood". Little racy fir 6:30 AM, but it's my iPod and I'll listen to what it gives me. So there.   Heh. I turned on the iPod, then typed the title. Forehead slap.  Lol. Whispers.  Anniversary.  So yeah, The Whispers seemed to be intown around our anniversary or my birthday.  I told you, for about 6-7 years, we'd see them every time they came to town. I like to grab Brian and dance with him when The Whispers come on. <3

So November 21, we'll celebrate our 26th wedding anniversary.  WARNING - Long convoluted and tortured explanation ahead.  Dad found photos mom had squirreled away. He brought them to Detroit in May. I just looked at them about 2 weeks ago. They were my long lost wedding photos. She took them to Vegas so we hadn't seen them in almost 24 years. I'll go into mom and her "attitudes" another day, but suffice to say she claimed the photos were hers. ;-x   That's right.  I hadn't seen the photos in over 20 years.  That being said, it was a delight to see them.  I bet you'd like to see them too, am I right?  

Still in the convoluted and tortured explanation. I want to scan them in and post them. I know my bridesmaids want to reminesce over their dresses (in my defense, it was 1987). Lol.  But I've never used the scanner because my child did it. "Classic (Better Than I Ever Been DJ Premier Remix)", Kanye West, Nas, KRS-One, and Rakim". "I'm everywhere you never been, and better than I ever been". Try saying that fast 5 times. Lol.  Well you say , Pat, it's time you learned how to use the scanner.  And I agree, except Shawn will be back in town Thursday!!!!! Lol. So in a few days, I'll publish photos of my wedding. :-)  The way we were. 

Last year, we'd made some pretty nice plans for our 25th anniversary. They didn't pan out.  My kidneys had other plans. 3 weeks prior, I was in ICU.  On November 21, 2012, I was still pretty much stuck in the bed. Brian got me an anniversary ring. <3  And without further ado, iPod shuffles to The a Whispers, again.  "It Just Gets Better With Time". Indeed. :-)  "Your love is rare and like the finest of sines, it just gets better with time".  No one told me that the love would grow over time. What a fabulous surprise!   So this year, my kid arrives in town on our anniversay, and I'm here to be with my little family. Lol. Today Brian and I are going to the store to get our cards. Being with the two of them is all the gift I need.  

Enjoy your day. Signing off with, "Baby, I'm For Real", The Originals. Huh.  When I'm out of this chair andI get home, I'm gonna dance with Brian. My iPod apparently is set to go and love Brian.  Lol.

1 comment:

  1. Lol - wines, not sines. I suppose we can have special trigonometry love....some kind of formulaic love?
