Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Friday, May 2, 2014

The "I Feel Duped", edition.

iPad shuffled to  Brownstone, "Grapevyne". I've come to the conclusion that this song is a song that is calming to me. Another bad stick day. Not as bad as Wednesday, though. Fistula is fine and healthy and buzzing. However the venous access is causing issues. Clots are coming through.  Not a lot and they are small, but it clogs the tubing.  The staff wants to give the button hole to rest.  So I have a sharp needle in the venous today.  Ugh. We'll try the venous buttonhole again on Monday. Fingers crossed.

The Guess Who, "Undun".  1969. :-)   I saw that Skullcandy has headphones for women. I might try them. I love my earbuds, but they get tangled.  I use 2 sets. One for the iPad and one for the tv. Why?  My black Sony has volume control on the left side wire. If I use the black Sonys on the TV access, I have to hold the volume feature continuously.  I think they are better than the purple Sonys. Anyway let's see what the Skullcandy for  women do. 

 Jackson 5, "The Love You Save".  Lol. I start trying to the J5 dance routine when I hear this. I imagine several of my generation do the same. Lol. "Christopher discovered you're way ahead of your time".   Kidney disease is ugly. Dialysis is ugly. I've already explained there is no cure.  I've explained that dialysis and kidney transplants are treatments. I've explained the costs of dialysis drugs and transplant anti rejection drugs are prohibitive. I've explained that the government will subsidize the cost of anti rejection drugs for only 3 years post transplant. People cannot afford the drugs and go right back to kidney failure and dialysis...or won't even opt for a transplant.  I've explained that being on dialysis means I'm dying every day. I've explained that if there is catostrophic event like a tornado, dialysis will be unavailable. I've explained that each time I miss treatment the poisons build up. I've explained what happened to me when the toxins built up. The breakdown will happen much more quickly now because I have absolutely no kidney function. None. I may have 2-3 weeks to live.  

America, "Ventura Highway".  I've explained the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) helps to offset the cost of drugs. The NKF lobbies in favor of dialysis patients. Like stopping the proposed cuts in dialysis treatment or calling out drug manufacturers for the ridiculous costs of our lifesaving drugs.  My fellow patients are even having trouble getting life saving drugs while on dialysis. Did I tell you the drug that stabilizes my parathyroid cost me almost $500 for a refill?  Did I tell you that my refill for the phosphourus binders cost me over $700?  I had to meet a copay threshold before these drugs drop to 25% of the cost. Yay?  These are called tier 5 drugs. They are specialized drugs.  My blood pressure med is used by many more people so it's only $1.94. Hooray for running dialysis patients into financial hardships. 

Kashif, "Help Yourself to My Love".  So that being said and having explained this, I feel duped by my "friends" and "family" that they can't manage to donate anything  to the National Kidney Foundation.  Heck, even Shawn on her limited fellowship income is donating. $5 to $10.  In the end it seems to me that the message I'm getting is I know who truly cares.  

Signing of with Beyoncé, "Love on Top". Have a great weekend. Give to the charity of your choice.

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