Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The "I Caught a Cold. Who Threw it To Me?", edition.

iPod shuffled to The Moments, "Love On a Two Way Street".  The Moments morphed into Ray, Goodman and Brown.   The cold started with that raw sore throat, then morphed into lots of congestion..but the congestion is better than the sore throat.  I'm coughing, too. Bleah.  Also had trouble sleeping. I have to ask a nurse what I can take. NyQuil wold be nice.

A friend asked a great question on Facebook regarding transplant donors. "What if the remaining Kidney of a donor fails?".  According to the United Network of Organ for Organ Sharing, should the donor need a kidney transplant, the donor gets points. This in fact, moves the donor up the list. 

I know 2 donors. One is my cousin ( I was named after her...I just got the irony ). She donated a kidney to her brother close to 45 years ago. She's doing well.  There is also a friend whose brother donated a kidney.  The donor brother was walking the last walk-a-thon I was in.  He's a practicing attorney and doing well. 

If someone chooses to donate a kidney, they go through at least as many tests as a recipient.  Perhaps even more.  Not only for compatibility but to make sure the remaining kidney is healthy.   I've included a link to the National Kidney Foundation's FAQs about living donations.  I've also included a link to a site with information about living donations and the experiences of those who have donated. If you have any questions , please ask. 

iPod shuffled to The System, "Don't Disturb This Groove". I went to two Labor Day dinners. Lol. Just like when Brian and I got married. We traveled to different houses all over the city for holiday dinners. Still doing it after 25 years. :-).  My aunt wanted us over sorta like the way it used to be. It was great being there with her and the cousins I grew up with..the closest I had to siblings.  Both were in my wedding, and the oldest one was my matron of honor. 

Then it was off to my mother-in-law's house. She's a sweetheart. Back in the day all 4 of her children and all of the grandchildren would be at the house. She loved it. I'd get tickled when she would call one of the boys names (son or grandson) and they all would come to her , grown men or little boys - lol.  The older set of grand kids are grown now, and most are out of town.  Shawn was the youngest of that group. We enjoyed being there with her, her sister, and Brian's younger brother's family. :-)

Agin, if you have any questions about living kidney donation, or kidney disease, ask away. Signing off with The Jacksons, "Blues Away". I am such a J5 fan.  I have no shame whatsoever. Lol. 

1 comment:

  1. Because the iPad and the app and the web version fight, here's the other link.
