Top 25 Dialysis Blogs

Dialysis Blogs

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The, "The Kid's Birthday is Tomorrow", edition.

iPod shuffled to Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66, "The Look of Love". I liked them when I was a kid. I still like them. When my kid was into Latin music, she discovered them and I rediscovered them. :). We even listened to and watched videos of the Mexican bands that had tubas. The name of the style isn't coming to me at the moment. And....tomorrow my kid's birthday.

I think she's great, but I know I'm looking through the eyes of a mommy. She tells me, "You're such a mom".  Guilty. I compare her to me at that age. She is the anti-Pat. And that's a good thing.  Lol. Those of you who knew me at the ages of 20-28 know what I'm talking about.  Lol. I wonder where the time went.  I had an infant in my arms a few days ago.  Now she's living in another state!  Good thing she's far enough away that I'm not trying to get to see her every weekend. But we do have more communications options then we did when I was away. We call, of course, but we have our phones with us 24/7. We text, we message on Facebook and we Skype.  Lol. She pushed us into Skyping and then laughs at us when we get confused. Rofl. Hey we used to be the young ones who were the technology experts. Lol lol.  Oh yeah, it's not real convenient to get from Detroit to Champaign.  No matter the mode, you have a layover in Chicago. Unless you drive. And that drive is old and tedious after several trips now. Lol 

She was destined to do technology. When she was a baby, Brian and I would hold her in our laps when we were on the computer. I have a photo somewhere of her at about 6 months sitting on Brian's  lap at the computer and both of them staring intently at the screen. We got her age appropriate software. Carmen Sandiego, anyone?  When my aunt babysat her, she showed the aunt how to use the VCR.  Yeah she knew how to use it. One day we found a big fat crayon in our VCR. Lol. We couldn't understand why the tape wasn't going in. :-/   Lol.  She also stuck a credit card into the disk drive on the computer. The Whispers, "I Only Meant To Wet My Feet".   "...but you pulled me in.  The waters of love run deep." Just go with it. I look for Brian for dance on Whispers songs. <3. 

Well now she's teaching us and introducing things to us. We are so proud of her. I used pray that I was able to raise her to be an independent and productive adult.  So far so good. Now I want her to be happy and content in her life. Again, so far, good. Oh yeah, this is how you know you're kid has morphed into adulthood. She asked for luggage for her birthday.  Lol. 

My Wendell is going home today, after 3 months in the hospital. Yay!!!  Friday, I'm going to the Peer Mentoring workshop.  It's all day, I'll be dialyzing on blog on Friday. 

Signing off with Beyoncé, "Deja Vu". Huh..the iPad put that doo hickey on Beyoncé's name. Lol. Enjoy you're Wednesday. Stay warm!!

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